Sunday, May 31, 2009

Simcity 4 1.1.6 Update

The Boys & Girls rebels

"Miguel Kantun, de Lerma, a friend of Canek.
He wrote a letter and sends his son to make him a man
Canek replied saying he would make an Indian child."
"Canek. History and Legend of a Mayan hero." Ermilo
Abreu Gómez. Drizzle

just a steamy breeze. However, so long and so strong was the pounding heat in the days before one thinks sometimes be within the circles of hell in Dante. It's time to heat. Time for small children.

A good man is dead. What do you say when a good man is dead? What do you say when a child dies? Nothing is said, just shut up. Because sometimes the pains are to be silent. However, attempting a relief, talk about children who tend its bridges as far as missing hands and good man as far as missing doors and windows opening to the other forgotten and small, on the other dignified and rebel.

is about children forgotten about those who were, on those who are and those to come. It is, therefore, a text of love ... and war.

"Boys and girls alike, walk like brothers, we adults cogiditos hand, to explore fantasies that unfortunately forgot. Do not want know charms? Do not you understand our dreams? Why are they kidding? if we know that deep down laughing ... have a child yelling, scolding and paste, hide their feelings and we want to make old with so many submissions. I do not want to see children sad, neglected or starving, the world gets old if you change laugh by crying. Children make the world a new world of poetry and song. "

Children can make war and love, and misunderstandings. Unpredictable and involuntary magicians, children play and go about creating the mirror that the world of adults avoids and detests. They have the power to change their environment and convert is one example, an old frayed hammock into a modern airplane, in a canoe, in a car to get from one city to another.

9 are the circles of Dante's Inferno. Nine prisons to lock up children in Mexico: hunger, ignorance, illness, work, abuse, poverty, fear, oblivion and death.

"When the world's children, because they have not mourn, the more noble life will be sweeter at home, because the laughter of a child can not be compared with all the gold in the world and with all vanity, while on this earth has children in a dunghill, the man has no right to call humanity. "

Day after day, children are denied the right to be children. The facts, making fun of that right, they impart their teachings in everyday life. The world treats children as if they were cash rich, so they get used to act as money acts. The world treats poor children as if they were rubbish, they become garbage. And the environment, children who are not rich or poor, is tied to the leg of the TV to accept early on, as destiny, life prisoner. A lot of magic and good luck with getting children to be children.

Vale. Health and wellness, fun and with our child within us.

From The Other South

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tiffany Granath And Juli Ashton And Night Calls

bye big. Rest in peace Mario Benedetti

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mary J Blige Earrings

History Calendar. For all mamac in his day. May 10

It announced in May and the early morning heats and blushes. But this is not May or early this morning, no. O yes, is this May and this morning, but 10 years ago. Light the stove and lights painted shadows on the walls of the hut the old Antonio. Take some time that the old Antonio is silent, just watching the Dona Juanita who looks at his hands. I'm on one side, sitting in front of a cup of coffee. A while ago I arrived. I came to bring the old Antonio a deer skin to see if he knew and could tanned. The old Antonio had looked just the skin, still looking at Dona Juanita looking at his hands. Something expected. I mean, some expected the old Antonio from looking at Dona Juanita and some waited for Mrs. Juanita look both hands. I chewed my pipe and waited, too, but of all the people there was just did not know I expected. Dona Juanita suddenly sighed deeply and raised his face and look at the old Anthony saying, "Come to the water time." "Come," said the old Antonio and until then drew his bender and begin to take shape a cigarette. I knew what that meant, so I quickly loaded his pipe, lit it, and I settled in to listen and save as the story now

History Calendar

The oldest of old of our peoples, which in the first few times and eventually just walked all messy and stumbling as a bolus (drunk) in celebration of Santa Cruz. Men and women much lost and lost for the time not even walk, but that sometimes rushed and sometimes walked slowly, creeping just as lame old man, and at times the sun was great skin all covered, and at times pure just water, upstream, downstream and water in the middle, because before it rained not only from the bottom up, it also rained for the sides and sometimes even from the bottom up is raining. So it was all a joke and perhaps could be planted, hunting or fixing the roof huts sacaton or stick and mud walls. And the gods

everything looked and looked, because these gods, who were the first, which birthed the world, it just went walking around and grabbing macabiles in the river and sucking cane and sometimes helped to shell corn for tortillas. So everything looked these gods, who birthed the world, the very first. And thought, but it felt fast, but very light soon because these gods, so I spent a long time that only watched the time go tumbling down the land and soon after that and then it was widened for thought.

after they already thought, because it also took a while thinking, the gods have called her Mama called him Ixmucané, and right there he said:''I heard

Ixmucané as Mom, this time walking the land is not going well and he spends just jumping and running and dragging and sometimes forwards, sometimes backwards and flat so can not be planted, and as you look nor can be harvested at home and there are sad men and women and as much macabiles struggled to find the cane is not where we left off and then say you do not know what you think, Mom Ixmucané, but as it is not good for the time and just walk with no one and nothing to guide him when and where you have to walk and what happened. Just think, Mom Ixmucané do not know what we're going to tell you with this issue we tell you.''

The Mom sighed Ixmucané be for a while and then I said,
''It's not right time just as well walk donkey without rope, making their destruction and much ruining all these good people.''

¬ Yeah, well, not ¬ said the gods.

And he waited a while because they realized it had not finished talking Ixmucané Mom, but just beginning. So, since then, the moms are just beginning to speak in seemingly ended. Another

while he was sighing and then Mom Ixmucané continued:''

Up there in heaven, because the account is to be followed by time and time does make the case if someone is reading and saying what's next and how and when and where. "

¬ Yes it is and if it does ¬ said the gods.

Más Mom sighs and finally Ixmucané says
willing to read the account while you learn to beating right, but I have no good my eyes and maybe I can look at the sky, I can not.''

¬ ¬ You can not say the gods.

¬ I can see that ¬ Ixmucané Mom said. Pa then straighten the time, but it's there I can not watch and read the sky, because I have no good my eyes.
¬ ¬ said the gods.

¬ ¬ Mmmh Ixmucané Mom said.

So soon, just saying "mmmh" one and another, until at last the gods were thought again and said: ¬

Look you, Mom Ixmucané do not know what you think but we think is good if you bring down the sky and then we pacá cerquita well as you can see and read and straighten the passage of time.

Ixmucané And Mom is strong sighed when he said:''

Case "I have nowhere to put it to heaven? No, no, no. Do not you look is little girl my shack? No, no, no.'' ¬

No, no, no ¬ said the gods.

And another good time they stayed with their "mmmh", "mmmh". Since then the gods thought again and said: ¬

Look you, Mom Ixmucané do not know what you think, but we thought it was good if we copy what is written in heaven "and you bring it back and already you can read and thus straighten the passage of time.

Ta ¬ ¬ good Ixmucané Mom said.

went up the gods and were copied in a notebook that had the sky and came down again and went with the notebook to see Mama Ixmucane and said

¬ Look you, Mom Ixmucané, here is because the account that has the sky here the aim in this book but it will not last, so you have to copy it somewhere else where going all the time that straightens the path of time.

¬ Yeah, yeah, yeah Mama said Ixmucané ¬. In my hands the copy count and I straightened the way to the right time to walk and not walk as bolus old man.

And in the palm and dorsum of the hands of the Mother Ixmucané wrote the gods in heaven that has to straighten the path of time, so moms knowing many stripes are worn on the hands and read them and care schedule so time will walk straight and do not forget crop planting the story in memory.

quiets old Antonio and Dona Juanita repeated, looking hands, "comes the water on time."

This story was them 10 years ago, one morning in May. Today, in the early hours of May 10, we salute a group of people who were with us at this meeting and who have been with us even though they were not. I'm talking about the mothers of prisoners and political disappearances whom we, their children new, welcome this May 10. Mom Ixmucané them back to remind us of dignity and report the account to reap the morning planting history. Health

therefore knowing these mothers, these women health assure us that someone will not lose memory.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Loss Of Verginity Vedeo

Letter to my herman @ s mexican @ s

Three years of repression in San Salvador Atenco and in memory of Alexis Benhumea.

Herman @ s:
Just get pain hurts our hearts. We are products of more than 500 years control and we are children of Mother Earth and defend it is a crime. I woke up dreaming and thinking long sentence as my brothers have won San Salvador Atenco and are imprisoned in maximum security prisons like the big drug lords. What crime is so great to defend the land that feeds us? Why Felipe Álvarez, Héctor Galindo and Ignacio del Valle they imposed a sentence of 67 years? Why Ignacio del Valle recently they added another 45 years in prison? Is not it more absurd? Not the greatest offense to the dignity and human reason? That to defend land, their land, now it has won a sentence of 112 years! Does Ignatius is imprisoned in the Altiplano for not being on the Forbes list and not be of the most influential? "His crime was being a farmer who grows corn and beans, not a sower of narcotics? "His crime was not to be in the list of Time magazine? "His crime was to fight with a machete, not a rifle Herstad known as" cop killers? "His crime was to fight with a coalition and a hoe, not a Barrett 50 caliber rifle or a grenade launcher MGL?

Twelve are our prisoners, twelve calendar months are the default, these are the names of each of our sorrows: Ignacio Del Valle, 112 years in prison, Felipe Álvarez and Héctor Galindo, 67, and 9 others (Oscar Hdz. Pacheco, Alejandro Pilon, Julio Espinosa, Juan Carlos Estrada, Jorge Ordóñez, Adán Ordóñez, Narciso Arellano, Inés Rodolfo Cuellar and Eduardo Morales) have been sentenced to 31 years 11 months and 15 days in jail.

Dignity and Rebellion! It is the town of Atenco. Dignity and defiance are the peasants of Mexico. Dignity and Defiance are indigenous identity are forged and the Mexican nation.

They are all working people are noble and honest people, love life and the earth, freedom, justice and peace. While the masterminds, Felipe Calderon, along with Vicente Fox, Peña Nieto, Higinio Martinez, Nazario Gutierrez, Wilfredo Robledo, Eduardo Medina Mora, Genaro Garcia Luna, love the destruction and death, and still enjoy the sweetness of power without have no modesty or guilt are so many social activists jailed who have given much of his life in solidarity with the pure and noble causes of the people.

they who instead of fighting real drug dealers and kidnappers, living with them, taken from the same wines, have fun at the same parties, enjoy the same luxuries. And to justify their fight against crime is the weight of the law against bullies, not against the attackers, not against those who hijack and ask millions of dollars for ransom, not against the narcos cartel (because they if they answer the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth"), No, go against farmers protesting, go against the Parota ejidatarios, against San Luis Potosi glaziers, against the miners of Pasta de Conchos and Cananea, against Sicartsa workers, against the APPO assembly, against the indigenous Zapatistas, go against my brothers Atenco and against many others in the country.

Herman @ s sisters the world:

These are what govern us in Mexico, these are the guys that govern other areas of our America, these are the wounds were covered with repression and oppression every corner of our country.

Our struggle is to make ourselves heard, and screams arrogance and bad government with guns cover their ears.
Our struggle is for the hungry and poor governance lead and paper gives the stomachs of our children.
Our fight is for a roof over our heads, and bad government destroys our house and our history.
Our fight is for knowledge, and bad government distributes ignorance and contempt.

Our struggle is for land, and the bad government offers cemeteries.
Our fight is for a fair and decent work, and the bad government buys and sells bodies and shame.
Our struggle is for life, and the bad government offers death as the future.
Our fight is for respect our right to govern and to govern, and bad government imposes more the law of the few.
Our struggle is for freedom for thinking and walking, and poor governance puts prisons and tombs.
Our struggle is for justice, and the bad government is full of criminals and murderers.
Our fight is for history, and bad government proposes to oblivion.
Our struggle is for the homeland, and the bad government dreams of the flag and foreign language.
Our struggle is for peace, and bad government announces war and destruction.

The default is the true dark face and tongue. Before speaking with other tongues and other lands. In many mountains and many stories have walked the rebellion against injustice. He has already spoken Nahuatl language, Paipai, Kiliwa, Cocopah, Cochimi, Kumeyaay, Yuman, Seri Chontal Chinanteco, pame, chichimeca, Otomi, Mazahua Matlazinca, Ocuilteco, Zapotec Soltec, Chatino, papabuco, Mixtec, Cuicatec, Triqui, Amuzgo, Mazatec, pussy, izcateco, Huave Tlapanec Totonac Tepehua, Popoluca, Mixe, Zoque huasteco, Lacandon, Maya, Chol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolabal, Mame, Teco, Ixil, Aguacateco, motozintleco, chicomucelteco, Kanjobal, Jacalteco, Quiche, Cakchiquel, Ketchi, Pima Tepehuan, Tarahumara, May, Yaqui, cahíta, Opata, Cora, Huichol, Purépecha and Kickapoo. He spoke and speak the Castilian .

The default language is not a thing, a thing of dignity and being human.

Herman @ s, our struggle is for freedom and justice to our peers.

build another world, where democracy, freedom and justice a reality for us.


From The Other South

* Sources:
- 4 ª. Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle.
- Mexican newspaper La Jornada.

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companions In memory repressed in Atenco