Three years of repression in San Salvador Atenco and in memory of Alexis Benhumea.
Herman @ s:
Just get pain hurts our hearts. We are products of more than 500 years control and we are children of Mother Earth and defend it is a crime. I woke up dreaming and thinking long sentence as my brothers have won San Salvador Atenco and are imprisoned in maximum security prisons like the big drug lords. What crime is so great to defend the land that feeds us? Why Felipe Álvarez, Héctor Galindo and Ignacio del Valle they imposed a sentence of 67 years? Why Ignacio del Valle recently they added another 45 years in prison? Is not it more absurd? Not the greatest offense to the dignity and human reason? That to defend land, their land, now it has won a sentence of 112 years! Does Ignatius is imprisoned in the Altiplano for not being on the Forbes list and not be of the most influential? "His crime was being a farmer who grows corn and beans, not a sower of narcotics? "His crime was not to be in the list of Time magazine? "His crime was to fight with a machete, not a rifle Herstad known as" cop killers? "His crime was to fight with a coalition and a hoe, not a Barrett 50 caliber rifle or a grenade launcher MGL?
Twelve are our prisoners, twelve calendar months are the default, these are the names of each of our sorrows: Ignacio Del Valle, 112 years in prison, Felipe Álvarez and Héctor Galindo, 67, and 9 others (Oscar Hdz. Pacheco, Alejandro Pilon, Julio Espinosa, Juan Carlos Estrada, Jorge Ordóñez, Adán Ordóñez, Narciso Arellano, Inés Rodolfo Cuellar and Eduardo Morales) have been sentenced to 31 years 11 months and 15 days in jail.
Dignity and Rebellion! It is the town of Atenco. Dignity and defiance are the peasants of Mexico. Dignity and Defiance are indigenous identity are forged and the Mexican nation.
They are all working people are noble and honest people, love life and the earth, freedom, justice and peace. While the masterminds, Felipe Calderon, along with Vicente Fox, Peña Nieto, Higinio Martinez, Nazario Gutierrez, Wilfredo Robledo, Eduardo Medina Mora, Genaro Garcia Luna, love the destruction and death, and still enjoy the sweetness of power without have no modesty or guilt are so many social activists jailed who have given much of his life in solidarity with the pure and noble causes of the people.
they who instead of fighting real drug dealers and kidnappers, living with them, taken from the same wines, have fun at the same parties, enjoy the same luxuries. And to justify their fight against crime is the weight of the law against bullies, not against the attackers, not against those who hijack and ask millions of dollars for ransom, not against the narcos cartel (because they if they answer the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth"), No, go against farmers protesting, go against the Parota ejidatarios, against San Luis Potosi glaziers, against the miners of Pasta de Conchos and Cananea, against Sicartsa workers, against the APPO assembly, against the indigenous Zapatistas, go against my brothers Atenco and against many others in the country.
Herman @ s sisters the world:
These are what govern us in Mexico, these are the guys that govern other areas of our America, these are the wounds were covered with repression and oppression every corner of our country.
Our struggle is to make ourselves heard, and screams arrogance and bad government with guns cover their ears.
Our struggle is for the hungry and poor governance lead and paper gives the stomachs of our children.
Our fight is for a roof over our heads, and bad government destroys our house and our history.
Our fight is for knowledge, and bad government distributes ignorance and contempt.
Our struggle is for land, and the bad government offers cemeteries.
Our fight is for a fair and decent work, and the bad government buys and sells bodies and shame.
Our struggle is for life, and the bad government offers death as the future.
Our fight is for respect our right to govern and to govern, and bad government imposes more the law of the few.
Our struggle is for freedom for thinking and walking, and poor governance puts prisons and tombs.
Our struggle is for justice, and the bad government is full of criminals and murderers.
Our fight is for history, and bad government proposes to oblivion.
Our struggle is for the homeland, and the bad government dreams of the flag and foreign language.
Our struggle is for peace, and bad government announces war and destruction.
The default is the true dark face and tongue. Before speaking with other tongues and other lands. In many mountains and many stories have walked the rebellion against injustice. He has already spoken Nahuatl language, Paipai, Kiliwa, Cocopah, Cochimi, Kumeyaay, Yuman, Seri Chontal Chinanteco, pame, chichimeca, Otomi, Mazahua Matlazinca, Ocuilteco, Zapotec Soltec, Chatino, papabuco, Mixtec, Cuicatec, Triqui, Amuzgo, Mazatec, pussy, izcateco, Huave Tlapanec Totonac Tepehua, Popoluca, Mixe, Zoque huasteco, Lacandon, Maya, Chol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolabal, Mame, Teco, Ixil, Aguacateco, motozintleco, chicomucelteco, Kanjobal, Jacalteco, Quiche, Cakchiquel, Ketchi, Pima Tepehuan, Tarahumara, May, Yaqui, cahíta, Opata, Cora, Huichol, Purépecha and Kickapoo. He spoke and speak the Castilian .
The default language is not a thing, a thing of dignity and being human.
Herman @ s, our struggle is for freedom and justice to our peers.
build another world, where democracy, freedom and justice a reality for us.
From The Other South
* Sources:
- 4 ª. Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle.
- Mexican newspaper La Jornada.
Herman @ s:
Just get pain hurts our hearts. We are products of more than 500 years control and we are children of Mother Earth and defend it is a crime. I woke up dreaming and thinking long sentence as my brothers have won San Salvador Atenco and are imprisoned in maximum security prisons like the big drug lords. What crime is so great to defend the land that feeds us? Why Felipe Álvarez, Héctor Galindo and Ignacio del Valle they imposed a sentence of 67 years? Why Ignacio del Valle recently they added another 45 years in prison? Is not it more absurd? Not the greatest offense to the dignity and human reason? That to defend land, their land, now it has won a sentence of 112 years! Does Ignatius is imprisoned in the Altiplano for not being on the Forbes list and not be of the most influential? "His crime was being a farmer who grows corn and beans, not a sower of narcotics? "His crime was not to be in the list of Time magazine? "His crime was to fight with a machete, not a rifle Herstad known as" cop killers? "His crime was to fight with a coalition and a hoe, not a Barrett 50 caliber rifle or a grenade launcher MGL?
Twelve are our prisoners, twelve calendar months are the default, these are the names of each of our sorrows: Ignacio Del Valle, 112 years in prison, Felipe Álvarez and Héctor Galindo, 67, and 9 others (Oscar Hdz. Pacheco, Alejandro Pilon, Julio Espinosa, Juan Carlos Estrada, Jorge Ordóñez, Adán Ordóñez, Narciso Arellano, Inés Rodolfo Cuellar and Eduardo Morales) have been sentenced to 31 years 11 months and 15 days in jail.
Dignity and Rebellion! It is the town of Atenco. Dignity and defiance are the peasants of Mexico. Dignity and Defiance are indigenous identity are forged and the Mexican nation.
They are all working people are noble and honest people, love life and the earth, freedom, justice and peace. While the masterminds, Felipe Calderon, along with Vicente Fox, Peña Nieto, Higinio Martinez, Nazario Gutierrez, Wilfredo Robledo, Eduardo Medina Mora, Genaro Garcia Luna, love the destruction and death, and still enjoy the sweetness of power without have no modesty or guilt are so many social activists jailed who have given much of his life in solidarity with the pure and noble causes of the people.
they who instead of fighting real drug dealers and kidnappers, living with them, taken from the same wines, have fun at the same parties, enjoy the same luxuries. And to justify their fight against crime is the weight of the law against bullies, not against the attackers, not against those who hijack and ask millions of dollars for ransom, not against the narcos cartel (because they if they answer the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth"), No, go against farmers protesting, go against the Parota ejidatarios, against San Luis Potosi glaziers, against the miners of Pasta de Conchos and Cananea, against Sicartsa workers, against the APPO assembly, against the indigenous Zapatistas, go against my brothers Atenco and against many others in the country.

Herman @ s sisters the world:
These are what govern us in Mexico, these are the guys that govern other areas of our America, these are the wounds were covered with repression and oppression every corner of our country.
Our struggle is to make ourselves heard, and screams arrogance and bad government with guns cover their ears.
Our struggle is for the hungry and poor governance lead and paper gives the stomachs of our children.
Our fight is for a roof over our heads, and bad government destroys our house and our history.
Our fight is for knowledge, and bad government distributes ignorance and contempt.

Our struggle is for land, and the bad government offers cemeteries.
Our fight is for a fair and decent work, and the bad government buys and sells bodies and shame.
Our struggle is for life, and the bad government offers death as the future.
Our fight is for respect our right to govern and to govern, and bad government imposes more the law of the few.
Our struggle is for freedom for thinking and walking, and poor governance puts prisons and tombs.
Our struggle is for justice, and the bad government is full of criminals and murderers.
Our fight is for history, and bad government proposes to oblivion.
Our struggle is for the homeland, and the bad government dreams of the flag and foreign language.
Our struggle is for peace, and bad government announces war and destruction.
The default is the true dark face and tongue. Before speaking with other tongues and other lands. In many mountains and many stories have walked the rebellion against injustice. He has already spoken Nahuatl language, Paipai, Kiliwa, Cocopah, Cochimi, Kumeyaay, Yuman, Seri Chontal Chinanteco, pame, chichimeca, Otomi, Mazahua Matlazinca, Ocuilteco, Zapotec Soltec, Chatino, papabuco, Mixtec, Cuicatec, Triqui, Amuzgo, Mazatec, pussy, izcateco, Huave Tlapanec Totonac Tepehua, Popoluca, Mixe, Zoque huasteco, Lacandon, Maya, Chol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolabal, Mame, Teco, Ixil, Aguacateco, motozintleco, chicomucelteco, Kanjobal, Jacalteco, Quiche, Cakchiquel, Ketchi, Pima Tepehuan, Tarahumara, May, Yaqui, cahíta, Opata, Cora, Huichol, Purépecha and Kickapoo. He spoke and speak the Castilian .
The default language is not a thing, a thing of dignity and being human.

Herman @ s, our struggle is for freedom and justice to our peers.
build another world, where democracy, freedom and justice a reality for us.
From The Other South
* Sources:
- 4 ª. Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle.
- Mexican newspaper La Jornada.
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