not sleep, he prefers to watch TV and when you can do it for hours, believing that by staying awake can live longer. Her older sister, Leslie, 13, says he wants big be criminologist because "nobody likes to see dead bodies and fewer people have died from HIV / AIDS", as her sister Esmeralda. Francisco and Leslie, and Jesus, Maria and Daniel are the children of Estela and Jesus. With the exception of Daniel, all live with HIV / AIDS and fear of hurting the people follow.
Just last Saturday had to leave the primary school where they lived and where they were studying. They left before the hostilities of some parents to become campus physical assaults, including those which had suffered in his hometown, in Chignahuapan, Puebla, which had to flee by the action of the priest, who put community against the family to disclose their health status and asserting that AIDS is a gay disease. "
was in 2004. Learned of the human immunodeficiency virus because Lesly ill without doctors could identify the cause Puebla. They came to Mexico City, Iztapalapa Paediatric Hospital, where he had told the girl. By then the marriage and had to Esmeralda, the guys Jesus and Francisco and Mariana. All the tests were positive for the virus, so they were referred to the clinic for HIV / AIDS Countess, belonging to the city government.

There began receiving antiretroviral drugs, with which it was possible today Daniel was born four years without virus. Since then nothing has been easier and less since I had to leave their village. They've been through everything from homelessness, sleeping for several months in the crypt of a mausoleum and eat "when God wills."
"All we want is to live in peace, let me work and my children can go to school without fear," says Jesus, who is 32 years.
He is a thin man of small stature. The most important thing for him was to keep her family together. "I like cars: without battery pull, I do without my children either," he says and then you discover the arm to show the tattoo of six tongues of fire, each of which is written the name of children. In Emerald, Jesus said the final star because he died.
The girl was eight years old and took medications to control HIV. "The doctor said he also had to eat, but not for that and also had a place to live."
Estela and remember the night Jesus went wrong Esmeralda. They were in a civilian cemetery crypt of San Lorenzo, Iztapalapa, where daily for many months, went to sleep. Reached to take her to hospital, but when they arrived the girl was already dead. Presented rupturing of the bowel.
currently attend and receive their medications in a public hospital in Chalco. "I could not go to the Countess. Tickets were only 200 pesos and where? "
Jesus knows gardening. He worked for several years in the U.S., where he acknowledges that brought the HIV. For his work has Estela a mower and also cut down trees in return for which they earn a few pesos for food for their children.
Walking in the street knew that the primary Benefactor of the Americas in Chalco, needed a custodian and in September 2008 went to live on campus to be cleaned and monitored. The verbal agreement with the director, Ruben Zamudio Caldin was to receive no salary, but instead would have a place to live without having to pay electricity or water. Thus, after cleaning, the couple went outside to find some work to give them money for food.
The three older children, Leslie, Francis and Jesus, were enrolled in school. Until that time his education had been very irregular. Leslie had been hospitalized for almost a year by a bacterial infection in the kidney, which has failed completely, and because his mother spent her time in the hospital could not meet the other children go to school.
Yet in the current school year have achieved the best average and at the same Leslie was chosen to participate, last March, in a math contest in Queretaro, which also earned him a recognition of Chalco municipality.
was at that time they started problems with some mothers. Without apparent cause, the women assaulted Estela and the children also received insults from their peers. "Who knows who did not like, but was worse when they learned they have AIDS." The lady in charge of the school cooperative and did not sell anything to children and the insults were more heated, without the director to give them importance, until, pressed by the ladies, the official asked Jesus Estela and vacate the living room.
not matter that the family had no where to go or to live a day, and not perceived salary. Since the mid- Last week I cut off the light and I closed the bathroom. With no power, ousted on Saturday 13 June. "We do not want problems or that my children will get hurt. Already live scared, "says Estela. Neither "we care that we do not have to eat. All we want is to be calm. "
Now, at best, wait for the primary director will give report cards of their children and Lesly certificate to enable them to continue elsewhere. "We're gonna go, where nobody knows us. Start from scratch again. "
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