The moment of Christmas. And I was very glad because I like the święta.Lubię that it is time for a meeting with the family, I like the tune of Christmas trees and baking cookies.
Those who do not have the most family relationships feel enormous pressure, because they need a family to celebrate Christmas, all the American films, exhibitions hypermarkets this screaming. It's like Home Alone, in which the thieves at the end wins, and the boy lost his White God Narodzenie.Ja not necessarily dream of white Christmas, because I hate snow, but here comes another question. We do not have the joyous secular Christmas songs. Not sleigh bells are ringing us, all we want is a traditional Catholic Christmas carols. We are not coming to town Santa Claus, no. And yet, despite the fact that no longer believe in Santa Claus, and despite the lack of strictly religious aspect, Christmas is something very important precisely because of the common stock, for pasting together choinkowego chain of colored paper.
It is this secular joy the communal experience is extremely important. And so would do us some joyful songs without overtones religijnego.Lubię, on Christmas Eve when they are children or pets, because it is always refreshing. This year we really hope to chat with my dog.
In a strange way the fact that marketing in shopping Christmas begins shortly after the Nov. 1 does not bother anyone. Interestingly, we draw from this fiercely rozpylanym following the smell of cinnamon in the stores at the hypnotic sound the bells. Corporate
vigils is already clear at all absurd. Artificial trees are festooned with artificial smiles with catering and hand grip prezesa.Z pie as the hotel and duty presence. "What a nice Christmas tree is in this hotel, boss, and these glass balls, red and outstanding, as you my dear sir," sic.
Hiperkonsumpcja is not inconsistent with the tradition of the Catholic holidays, and he lives in symbiosis with a small safe crib and a poorly dziecięciem.Lulajże born, sleep .......
But atheists do not have their songs, like Steve Martin singing in a sketch.
A and I'm looking forward to my holidays secular and sing around walking down the street: have yourself a merry little christmas ...! Exactly such a small, cheerful and diverse as our Christmas tree.
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