was once a church somewhere outside the Polish plains and wind, yet in the Czech Republic, some of Silesia, a little bit in the mountains.
But it was not a shrine of OUR - familiar. It was the church ewangelicki.Nazywał somehow too nice and warm - "Under the Angel" . After the Great Mobilization, in a monolithic country folk threw himself in the eyes, unnecessary and Western ominous trends. Nature abhors a vacuum. The old walls were heard so soon on a massive sigh of delight skalę.Zafurkotały haleczki, sounded heels of desecrated floor. Are flexing their arms, and many are not covered breasts. Under an Angel taken as a brothel looks! Lipsticks, vodka, girls ... Los giggled at corners stone. It was funny that hey and men in the city is calmer somehow did:) The girls on the first floor waiting smiles said ... ANGELS. I immediately nicer. In an angelic arms to throw, to forget it myself a bit sweet and a bit perverse. As if to tuck the children's festival bought cotton candy dipped in a strong, strong alcohol. After Sunday Mass to go to angel, be a little closer to heaven. Since
country folk gone into oblivion, the angel done theater ... Only the mayor
somehow uncomfortable now. "Holy angels Skleli it ....".
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