Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bra Sizes Comparisons


live our independence! Long live the heroes who gave no country! Viva Mexico! Viva Mexico!, Is the ridiculous cry in the night of September 15 each of which stand as governors, is the cry of those who yesterday attacked those who fought for independence, is the pathetic cry of the gentlemen in suits and tie where each September 15 look so hypocritical patriotism, is the cry of every ruler where they look their best scream "Mexican" from the symbol of power, the balcony, before a crowd, responding in unison, "Viva Mexico", ignorant of their own history that conforms to see the band at the moment. I wonder

"Viva Mexico? when their children die of hunger and curable diseases ...

"Viva Mexico? when their wives are murdered in Ciudad Juárez ...

"Viva Mexico? when their children are killed, missing and imprisoned for raising their voice of discontent ...

"Viva Mexico? when the Supreme Court frees paramilitaries massacred men, women and children in Acteal ...

"Viva Mexico? when their social activists are in jail accused of terrorism and while the real criminals in public office ... (the beautiful governor, Ulises Ruiz, Elba Esther, Peña Nieto, etc., etc.). ...

"Viva Mexico? when there is no justice for the deaths of 48 children in Hermosillo, Sonora ...

"Viva Mexico? when our country is going through a financial meltdown ...

"Viva Mexico? when there is a mass exodus of its men, women and children who are in search of better opportunities in the U.S. ...

"Viva Mexico? For these and a number of

atrocities ... This is my cry to remember the struggle for independence started by Hidalgo, Morelos, Allende, Doña Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, etc. And you like screaming? ... Let us join our screams to start the second Independence ...

The love of country is not ridiculous love of the land,
or grass they tread our plants.
is invincible hatred whom the press, is the eternal grudge
who attacks it.

the flower will not die of the WORD.
may die the missing face of those who named today,
but the word that came from the bottom of the story and the earth,
and not be torn by pride and power.

the "patriots" of today are in different parties. It is assumed that up there, for example, center, left and right, but at election time they all piled in the center. It was as if the geometry shrinks and all pile in the center screaming "I AM" ...

"I am," says the National Action Party.

The PAN, the party of nostalgia for the democratic struggle, Gomez Morin and "political humanism." Nostalgia for the Opus Dei, the wall, the ACJM and Canoeing. Nostalgia for the war of the Cristeros, the Shroud and Beaker Hill. Nostalgia for the good conscience, morals, people well. Nostalgia for cultural triumph and social section in the newspaper (when it was different from the police). Nostalgia for Maximilian, Carlota, Elton John and the time when we were empire. The nostalgia for the aspirin administered Sunday from the pulpit of a pederast, the ring side or the visit of the Pope, and the retreats of "save the world from communist devil, be soldiers of God." Nostalgia for the evenings of bridge, tea - basket, the Knights of Columbus. Nostalgia for the burning of the ballots of the 1988 election and co-government with the PRI. The nostalgia for a calendar that were not. The nostalgia for "the Fatherland, my friend, is imprisoned in history a convent. "

As the current federal government, the PAN is now led by right-wing organization El Yunque. Under his weight PAN lies the historic and nostalgia for family, shrouded in blue blankets. And it's the El Yunque that (who said) trying to convince us that the PAN is now a central political organization.

"I am", says the PRI, the Institutional Revolutionary Party.

The PRI, the party of "development stabilizer ". The creator of the state party, naked at the time by the analysis of José Revueltas, Adolfo Gilly, Daniel Cosio Villegas, Pablo Gonzalez Casanova. The" Mister Amigou. The Suppression of the doctors, the railroad, the electricians. The massacres of October 2, 1968 and June 10, 1971. The dirty war in the 70 and 80. The devaluations. That of electoral fraud. The one with the "crazy mouse", the "shoe boxes", "Operation Tamale" electoral democracy is summarized in the slogan "ratchet and cap, soda and cake." The theft, plunder, fraud, murder, workers, peasants, students, teachers, employees. The Fidel Velásquez Rodríguez Alcaine, Jong, Elba Esther Gordillo. The Hill of the Dog. The Absalom Castellanos, The electoral fraud of 88. The Salinas clan. The one on the counter Article 27 of the Constitution. The missed entry of the First World. The killing of Ocosingo market. The Solitaire Aburto and even more lonely Colosio. The betrayal of February 95. The VAT. The Acteal, Aguas Blancas and El Charco. The start of the nightmare in Ciudad Juárez. To "sign an agreement and not enforced." The "do not bring cash." The violent breakup of the student strike at UNAM in 1999. The history of electoral propaganda. The imposition of neoliberal policies that have destroyed the foundation of Mexico. The privatization of state enterprises. The vote for impeachment. The organized crime into a political party. The "the-country-my-good-is-a-bitch-that-regentea-the-most-weevil-or-be-me-mere." On the PRI

not much to add to what it said and suffered. The PRI, which emerged from the Mexican revolution of 1910, is today, the party most likely to cause a revolution in the country. The PRI has no ties to organized crime: it is part of the management of drug cartels, kidnapping, prostitution, trafficking in persons. The cynicism with which its leaders discarded the memory has to speak and act as if not more than 70 years would lead to abuse of power and profiting from its use. The pre-campaign and PRI campaigns are the best vehicle to provoke the indignation of the people ... and rebellion.

"I am," says the PRD, the Democratic Revolution Party.

The PRD, the party of "tactical errors." The tactical error with his electoral pacts, encourage family businesses disguised as games. The tactical error in alliance with the PAN and the PRI some states in others. The tactical error of the indigenous counter-paramilitary Zinacantan. The tactical error of Rosario Robles and video scandals. The tactical error to harass and suppress the student movement at UNAM in 1999. The tactical error "Ebrard law" and the "Monsanto Law." The error cede tactical Zocalo Mexico City Entertainment monopolies. The tactical error to team up with the psalmist. The imported tactical error "zero tolerance" and to prosecute young gays and lesbians for the "crime" of being different. The tactical error of betraying the memory of their dead, causing candidates to their murderers and retrain the lawless of PRI candidates. The tactical error of turning movements in party and government bureaucracies. The tactical error handling death of Digna Ochoa, Pavel González to flatter to the right. The tactical error of the uncertainty facing the resistance and liberation movements in other countries, to lower his head against American power and to curry favor with the powerful. The tactical error of infighting and fraud in the primaries.

"No justice for the people, there is no peace for the government" is the cry of the people below, people humble people who fight for Mexico to stop being a shame and that flag tricolor flown with dignity at the top. Rage is the cry of those who today are mourning the night, those who refuse the day. But the morning light will ...

Vale. Health and dignity never lose the memory that dies if it is lost.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Shop Attendants Cover Letter

Pentagon endorsed Zedillo CSG and paramilitaries in Chiapas

authorized Zedillo CSG and paramilitaries in Chiapas Support, U.S. says

Report of the Defense Intelligence Agency mentioned the Army's participation

These armed groups were supervised by the Mexican military intelligence during the dates on which perpetrated the massacre of Acteal

  • The National Security Archive filed documents
David Brooks - Correspondent

New York, 20 August. The Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States reported on the "direct support" of the Mexican Army paramilitary Chiapas, which since mid-1994 provided with the permission of then president Carlos Salinas, as part of the counterinsurgency strategy against the Zapatistas, and notes that these armed groups were under the supervision of the Mexican military intelligence during the dates of perpetrated the massacre in Acteal, and Ernesto Zedillo as the Executive. This is reflected in recently declassified U.S. official documents and presented today by the organization called the National Security Archive (National Security Archive).

A cable sent by the Defence Attaché of the United States in Mexico to head the Defense Intelligence Agency, (DIA, for its acronym in English), the Pentagon's request, dated May 4, 1999, reports that "by mid 1994, the Mexican Army had presidential authorization for military equipment institute responsible for promoting armed groups in conflict areas of Chiapas. The intent was to assist local personnel in resisting indigenous Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN). In addition, during the slaughter of Acteal 1997, Army intelligence officers were involved in monitoring armed groups in highland Chiapas. "

In describing the "direct support" of the Mexican army armed indigenous groups in the area of \u200b\u200bChiapas where Acteal is located, the cable reports on a clandestine network of "human intelligence teams (intelligence officers) formed by the Army in mid-1994, with the approval of then-President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. These teams were tasked to infiltrate communities to obtain information on "sympathetic" Zapatistas.

was these teams, he adds, armed groups who promoted anti-zapatista-that is, paramilitary, giving both "training" to protect against public safety authorities and military units in the region. The cable reports that these activities are already conducted from December 1997, when the massacre of Acteal.

"The most important thing about the DIA documents that directly contradict the official story of the massacre told by the government of President Ernesto Zedillo," said Kate Doyle, director of the Mexico Project at the National Security Archive, in its presentation of Your organization's documents obtained under freedom of information laws and released on its website. Doyle noted that the report of the Attorney General of the Republic, Jorge Madrazo, in 1998, the PGR said it had documented the existence of armed civilian groups in Chenalho, "no organized, created, trained and financed by the Mexican military or other government agencies, but its management and organization respond to a given internal logic of confrontation between communities and within communities, the Zapatista support bases.

DIA cable also provides details never before known about the functioning of teams of "human intelligence" of the Mexican Army in providing this support. The cable describes these teams were made "primarily by young officers with the rank of captain second and first sergeants as well as some selected that spoke dialects of the region. "

The report sent to the headquarters of the EIS says that the equipment human intelligence "consisted of three to four people, who were assigned to cover communities for a period of three or four months. After three months, officers from the teams were rotated to a different community in Chiapas. Concern for the safety of the teams was the most important reason for the rotation of these every three months. "

for Doyle, these documents lead to the conclusion that the logic of the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) was "a carefully planned counterinsurgency strategy that combined civic action programs, often announced by the Defense Department told the press-secret intelligence operations designed to strengthen the paramilitaries and provoke conflict against supporters of the EZLN. "

Doyle criticizes the lack of access and provision of the Mexican government to all documentation on Acteal. "Until the current administration decided to honor his obligation to inform their citizens about the truth of the slaughter of 1997, the clamor of the people by the facts remain lost in the unprocessed files. And we are only turning to the U.S. is seeking Information on the Mexican Army and Acteal. "

troop deployment

In the second of two declassified documents and presented by the National Security Archive, it transmits information on the deployment of 5 000 elements of troops by the Zedillo government to bolster the 30 thousand deployed permanently in Chiapas, or what is called "conflict zone" - immediately after the slaughter of 45 Tzotzil Indians in Acteal, 22 December 1997. Citing

"open source", that is, the media, as well as secret, the defense attache's office in the United States in Mexico reports to the DIA in the cable dated December 31, 1997, that about 2000 troops plus other forces were deployed in the area of \u200b\u200bChenalho to provide "law and order" in the region, as well as "social work" to indigenous communities, particularly communities displaced by the MIRA group. Indicates that members of the paramilitary group have ruled the area for "threats and violence in the region Chenalhó." At the same time, it is reported that other units were "put on alert to assist in the event of an uprising."

Among the "open source" cited in the document, including some publications referred to La Jornada, which is referred to as "a newspaper considered to be well written, leaning to the left, with good news coverage."

Midnight Without Clothes Models

Revelations of Washington on the role of the army in Acteal

Hermann Bellinghausen

Sooner or later, the files speak. Retracted, mutilated, edited, presumably controlled the day comes that can spark gaps and past political crimes. Now we see one of the most painful in recent times: the slaughter of Acteal. Two weeks before the controversial ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) that released 20 paramilitary and said the process to others, including murderers confessed, the case takes unexpected directions.

We develop a political scenario was not considered by the media and legal unearthed Acteal. While they despise systematically press radio and television the very possibility of official responsibility of the armed forces, no arguments and with his hand, reports in the U.S. appear to open the document window to confirm what was reported in La Jornada between 1997 and 1998 on military involvement and police, based on a counter plan to combat the Zapatista communities in Chiapas.

This, right now that even the PRI itself apart from the actions of the government of Ernesto Zedillo at the time, and even suggests it should be investigated. That seems to be enough to prevent Emilio Chuayffet (Secretary of the Interior when the slaughter took place) to become its leader in the new House of Deputies. There are indications that the Salinas risen not want to load zedillato dead, but is letter Chuayffet Enrique Peña Nieto, for that family in Mexico state.

researcher Kate Doyle, director of the Mexico Project at the National Security Archive in Washington, revealed declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) of the United States describing the role of the federal army "in support paramilitary groups in Chiapas at the time of the murders. " Secret cables "confirmed reports of military support to indigenous groups who carried out armed attacks against pro-Zapatista communities." He also revived an issue "latent" Doyle says: "When the military's tell the truth about his role in Acteal?" (The National Security Archive, 20 August).

Doyle notes that the documents "contradict the official story about the slaughter", prepared by the Zedillo administration, which reduced her to a local problem, intercommunity. In a telegram to the DIA in Washington on May 4, 1999, the defense attache's office in the United States in Mexico said "the 'direct support' Army armed groups in the mountainous areas of Chiapas, which took place killings. " The document describes "a clandestine network of" human intelligence teams' (HUMINT) Created in mid-1994 with the approval of then-President Carlos Salinas, who worked in indigenous communities to gather intelligence on the 'supporters' Zapatistas. " To promote anti-zapatista armed groups, the HUMINT gave "training and protection from arrest by the agencies of law enforcement and military units patrolling the region."

The researcher states: "Although the cable was written in 1999, adding U.S. was careful to point out that military intelligence officers were supervising federal armed groups in December 1997." The document provides details "never mentioned" in official versions. The "human intelligence teams," explained the military attache, "were composed of young officers with the rank of captain," and some sergeants "who spoke dialects of the region." These Humint, integrated with three or four people were assigned to "select communities" for three or four months and then "rotated to a different community." Not only

. And in another report in the same military office of the U.S. embassy in Mexico, sent on December 31, 1997, described the deployment of federal troops in "conflict zones" of Chiapas. Citing confidential sources, open the document indicates that President Zedillo sent thousands of troops more to the region after the slaughter of 45 indigenous people on 22 December of that year. The new units were "on alert to participate in the event of a possible uprising." (Report to the EIS, released by the National Security Archive under a requirement covered in the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, and released in Washington in February 2008).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Latest News On Rimi Tomy

pictures Acteal state officials involved

The then Governor Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro, is credited with the phrase "let them be killed" when the then Mayor of Chenalhó, Jacinto Arias Cruz, was notified of a series of violent incidents that were starring Zapatistas and PRI members of various communities. Ruiz Ferro resigned in mid-January 1998.

Pictured Ruiz Ferro is accompanied by one of the leaders of "Peace and Justice" in January 1997 in the municipal seat of Tila. Justcia peace and another paramilitary group was created to counter the progress of the Zapatistas in the north of Chiapas.

Homero Tovilla Cristiani, was the secretary of State when he was the slaughter. In its role as responsible for the internal politics of the state was a gray and mediocre officer was aware of previous incidents to the slaughter and did nothing to prevent what turned into a tragedy.

Uriel Jarquin Galvez, was the general secretary of Government of Chiapas, more skilful than Tovilla Cristiani. With a history of militancy in the ranks of the left, Uriel was a shrewd political operator, very clever. Was that, in the grayness of his immediate boss, was the face, negotiated, threatened, repressed, ordered. Also learned that what was generated Acteal also did nothing. the last time you heard of him, was an adviser d ela PRD caucus in the Congress of Michoacan.

Jorge Gamboa Solis, a retired general was responsible for the State Coordination of Public Safety. More aware that nobody was armed civilian groups operating in the region of Chenalho. After the events disappeared from the political map of Chiapas and today is one of federal fugitives.

Retired Gen. Julio Cesar Santiago Diaz, was the police chief with the highest rank was closest to the shooting, no more than a mile. Heard the gunfire and did nothing to stop the killing or call in reinforcements to pursue the armed group that carried out the Indians. He was imprisoned a few years but was released after very ill.

Jorge Enrique Hernandez Aguilar was the advisor for the overall coordination of public safety, was one of the first on the scene. He is reputed to have altered the crime scene. Giving orders to collect the bodies, shouting, "come quick before the press." Having once been a social activist to this character is linked to other cases of torture and extrajudicial executions. This free, teaches at a private school, write a journal of Chiapas and this week raided the radio.

Mario Salieri The Family

Acteal: Military involved .. . We

Acteal After slaughter, the only group that was playing was never in the military. General Mario Renan Castillo Fernandez was the commander dela VII Military Region in Chiapas. Expert on counterinsurgency strategy. The military leader came to Chiapas in 1994 to plan and lead the attack against the EZLN. Next to him, other soldiers were accused but never called to testify. One of these soldiers who state police said, was the official name of the Mexican Army Germain Laparra Salgado, head of the Joint Operating Base (BOM) which was established in the town of Chenalho.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Brown Spotted Dress From Pretty Woman

Open Letter-hit

LIC. Juan Sabines Guerrero

Salto de Agua, Chiapas, on August 6, 2009.

Today August 6, women in the Colony Fray Bartolome de las Casas of the town of Salto de Agua, were attacked with great violence by the municipal police office facilities, when so peaceful we were about to go to the office of Mr. Mayor Manuel Sanchez Guzman with the intention to initiate a dialogue to resolve the problem of shortage of running water for several months that we do not have this vital fluid in our colony.

Repeatedly, we have outside the municipality that is important to address this claim as meaning people to prevent further suffering and the risk of becoming ill with influenza H1N1 oft, however we have found closure and the poor sensitivity human municipal authorities headed by the PRD Manuel Sánchez Guzmán. Far from solving our just demand the right to have water, beat us and greet us with tear gas.

Given this situation of violence towards us poor and marginalized women to demand a better service and a decent life, we ask:

· Solution urgent the problem of running water.

· Write-offs and immediate removal of the rappers police women, headed by the so-called "Don Moses."

• We demand health care for women poisoned by tear gas.

• We ask for respectful treatment from the authorities and an end to the aggression that characterized mode of governance of the incumbent president Manuel Sánchez Guzmán.

• We demand respect for our human rights



Monday, July 6, 2009

Does Gonorrhea Stay Dormant After Treatment?

The battle for survival between poverty, HIV and segregation

not sleep, he prefers to watch TV and when you can do it for hours, believing that by staying awake can live longer. Her older sister, Leslie, 13, says he wants big be criminologist because "nobody likes to see dead bodies and fewer people have died from HIV / AIDS", as her sister Esmeralda. Francisco and Leslie, and Jesus, Maria and Daniel are the children of Estela and Jesus. With the exception of Daniel, all live with HIV / AIDS and fear of hurting the people follow.

Just last Saturday had to leave the primary school where they lived and where they were studying. They left before the hostilities of some parents to become campus physical assaults, including those which had suffered in his hometown, in Chignahuapan, Puebla, which had to flee by the action of the priest, who put community against the family to disclose their health status and asserting that AIDS is a gay disease. "

was in 2004. Learned of the human immunodeficiency virus because Lesly ill without doctors could identify the cause Puebla. They came to Mexico City, Iztapalapa Paediatric Hospital, where he had told the girl. By then the marriage and had to Esmeralda, the guys Jesus and Francisco and Mariana. All the tests were positive for the virus, so they were referred to the clinic for HIV / AIDS Countess, belonging to the city government.

Jesus not find words to accurately describe their feelings and silence her crying brota.Foto José Carlo González

There began receiving antiretroviral drugs, with which it was possible today Daniel was born four years without virus. Since then nothing has been easier and less since I had to leave their village. They've been through everything from homelessness, sleeping for several months in the crypt of a mausoleum and eat "when God wills."

"All we want is to live in peace, let me work and my children can go to school without fear," says Jesus, who is 32 years.

He is a thin man of small stature. The most important thing for him was to keep her family together. "I like cars: without battery pull, I do without my children either," he says and then you discover the arm to show the tattoo of six tongues of fire, each of which is written the name of children. In Emerald, Jesus said the final star because he died.

The girl was eight years old and took medications to control HIV. "The doctor said he also had to eat, but not for that and also had a place to live."

Estela and remember the night Jesus went wrong Esmeralda. They were in a civilian cemetery crypt of San Lorenzo, Iztapalapa, where daily for many months, went to sleep. Reached to take her to hospital, but when they arrived the girl was already dead. Presented rupturing of the bowel.

currently attend and receive their medications in a public hospital in Chalco. "I could not go to the Countess. Tickets were only 200 pesos and where? "

Jesus knows gardening. He worked for several years in the U.S., where he acknowledges that brought the HIV. For his work has Estela a mower and also cut down trees in return for which they earn a few pesos for food for their children.

Walking in the street knew that the primary Benefactor of the Americas in Chalco, needed a custodian and in September 2008 went to live on campus to be cleaned and monitored. The verbal agreement with the director, Ruben Zamudio Caldin was to receive no salary, but instead would have a place to live without having to pay electricity or water. Thus, after cleaning, the couple went outside to find some work to give them money for food.

The three older children, Leslie, Francis and Jesus, were enrolled in school. Until that time his education had been very irregular. Leslie had been hospitalized for almost a year by a bacterial infection in the kidney, which has failed completely, and because his mother spent her time in the hospital could not meet the other children go to school.

Yet in the current school year have achieved the best average and at the same Leslie was chosen to participate, last March, in a math contest in Queretaro, which also earned him a recognition of Chalco municipality.

was at that time they started problems with some mothers. Without apparent cause, the women assaulted Estela and the children also received insults from their peers. "Who knows who did not like, but was worse when they learned they have AIDS." The lady in charge of the school cooperative and did not sell anything to children and the insults were more heated, without the director to give them importance, until, pressed by the ladies, the official asked Jesus Estela and vacate the living room.

not matter that the family had no where to go or to live a day, and not perceived salary. Since the mid- Last week I cut off the light and I closed the bathroom. With no power, ousted on Saturday 13 June. "We do not want problems or that my children will get hurt. Already live scared, "says Estela. Neither "we care that we do not have to eat. All we want is to be calm. "

Now, at best, wait for the primary director will give report cards of their children and Lesly certificate to enable them to continue elsewhere. "We're gonna go, where nobody knows us. Start from scratch again. "

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Simcity 4 1.1.6 Update

The Boys & Girls rebels

"Miguel Kantun, de Lerma, a friend of Canek.
He wrote a letter and sends his son to make him a man
Canek replied saying he would make an Indian child."
"Canek. History and Legend of a Mayan hero." Ermilo
Abreu Gómez. Drizzle

just a steamy breeze. However, so long and so strong was the pounding heat in the days before one thinks sometimes be within the circles of hell in Dante. It's time to heat. Time for small children.

A good man is dead. What do you say when a good man is dead? What do you say when a child dies? Nothing is said, just shut up. Because sometimes the pains are to be silent. However, attempting a relief, talk about children who tend its bridges as far as missing hands and good man as far as missing doors and windows opening to the other forgotten and small, on the other dignified and rebel.

is about children forgotten about those who were, on those who are and those to come. It is, therefore, a text of love ... and war.

"Boys and girls alike, walk like brothers, we adults cogiditos hand, to explore fantasies that unfortunately forgot. Do not want know charms? Do not you understand our dreams? Why are they kidding? if we know that deep down laughing ... have a child yelling, scolding and paste, hide their feelings and we want to make old with so many submissions. I do not want to see children sad, neglected or starving, the world gets old if you change laugh by crying. Children make the world a new world of poetry and song. "

Children can make war and love, and misunderstandings. Unpredictable and involuntary magicians, children play and go about creating the mirror that the world of adults avoids and detests. They have the power to change their environment and convert is one example, an old frayed hammock into a modern airplane, in a canoe, in a car to get from one city to another.

9 are the circles of Dante's Inferno. Nine prisons to lock up children in Mexico: hunger, ignorance, illness, work, abuse, poverty, fear, oblivion and death.

"When the world's children, because they have not mourn, the more noble life will be sweeter at home, because the laughter of a child can not be compared with all the gold in the world and with all vanity, while on this earth has children in a dunghill, the man has no right to call humanity. "

Day after day, children are denied the right to be children. The facts, making fun of that right, they impart their teachings in everyday life. The world treats children as if they were cash rich, so they get used to act as money acts. The world treats poor children as if they were rubbish, they become garbage. And the environment, children who are not rich or poor, is tied to the leg of the TV to accept early on, as destiny, life prisoner. A lot of magic and good luck with getting children to be children.

Vale. Health and wellness, fun and with our child within us.

From The Other South

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tiffany Granath And Juli Ashton And Night Calls

bye big. Rest in peace Mario Benedetti

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mary J Blige Earrings

History Calendar. For all mamac in his day. May 10

It announced in May and the early morning heats and blushes. But this is not May or early this morning, no. O yes, is this May and this morning, but 10 years ago. Light the stove and lights painted shadows on the walls of the hut the old Antonio. Take some time that the old Antonio is silent, just watching the Dona Juanita who looks at his hands. I'm on one side, sitting in front of a cup of coffee. A while ago I arrived. I came to bring the old Antonio a deer skin to see if he knew and could tanned. The old Antonio had looked just the skin, still looking at Dona Juanita looking at his hands. Something expected. I mean, some expected the old Antonio from looking at Dona Juanita and some waited for Mrs. Juanita look both hands. I chewed my pipe and waited, too, but of all the people there was just did not know I expected. Dona Juanita suddenly sighed deeply and raised his face and look at the old Anthony saying, "Come to the water time." "Come," said the old Antonio and until then drew his bender and begin to take shape a cigarette. I knew what that meant, so I quickly loaded his pipe, lit it, and I settled in to listen and save as the story now

History Calendar

The oldest of old of our peoples, which in the first few times and eventually just walked all messy and stumbling as a bolus (drunk) in celebration of Santa Cruz. Men and women much lost and lost for the time not even walk, but that sometimes rushed and sometimes walked slowly, creeping just as lame old man, and at times the sun was great skin all covered, and at times pure just water, upstream, downstream and water in the middle, because before it rained not only from the bottom up, it also rained for the sides and sometimes even from the bottom up is raining. So it was all a joke and perhaps could be planted, hunting or fixing the roof huts sacaton or stick and mud walls. And the gods

everything looked and looked, because these gods, who were the first, which birthed the world, it just went walking around and grabbing macabiles in the river and sucking cane and sometimes helped to shell corn for tortillas. So everything looked these gods, who birthed the world, the very first. And thought, but it felt fast, but very light soon because these gods, so I spent a long time that only watched the time go tumbling down the land and soon after that and then it was widened for thought.

after they already thought, because it also took a while thinking, the gods have called her Mama called him Ixmucané, and right there he said:''I heard

Ixmucané as Mom, this time walking the land is not going well and he spends just jumping and running and dragging and sometimes forwards, sometimes backwards and flat so can not be planted, and as you look nor can be harvested at home and there are sad men and women and as much macabiles struggled to find the cane is not where we left off and then say you do not know what you think, Mom Ixmucané, but as it is not good for the time and just walk with no one and nothing to guide him when and where you have to walk and what happened. Just think, Mom Ixmucané do not know what we're going to tell you with this issue we tell you.''

The Mom sighed Ixmucané be for a while and then I said,
''It's not right time just as well walk donkey without rope, making their destruction and much ruining all these good people.''

¬ Yeah, well, not ¬ said the gods.

And he waited a while because they realized it had not finished talking Ixmucané Mom, but just beginning. So, since then, the moms are just beginning to speak in seemingly ended. Another

while he was sighing and then Mom Ixmucané continued:''

Up there in heaven, because the account is to be followed by time and time does make the case if someone is reading and saying what's next and how and when and where. "

¬ Yes it is and if it does ¬ said the gods.

Más Mom sighs and finally Ixmucané says
willing to read the account while you learn to beating right, but I have no good my eyes and maybe I can look at the sky, I can not.''

¬ ¬ You can not say the gods.

¬ I can see that ¬ Ixmucané Mom said. Pa then straighten the time, but it's there I can not watch and read the sky, because I have no good my eyes.
¬ ¬ said the gods.

¬ ¬ Mmmh Ixmucané Mom said.

So soon, just saying "mmmh" one and another, until at last the gods were thought again and said: ¬

Look you, Mom Ixmucané do not know what you think but we think is good if you bring down the sky and then we pacá cerquita well as you can see and read and straighten the passage of time.

Ixmucané And Mom is strong sighed when he said:''

Case "I have nowhere to put it to heaven? No, no, no. Do not you look is little girl my shack? No, no, no.'' ¬

No, no, no ¬ said the gods.

And another good time they stayed with their "mmmh", "mmmh". Since then the gods thought again and said: ¬

Look you, Mom Ixmucané do not know what you think, but we thought it was good if we copy what is written in heaven "and you bring it back and already you can read and thus straighten the passage of time.

Ta ¬ ¬ good Ixmucané Mom said.

went up the gods and were copied in a notebook that had the sky and came down again and went with the notebook to see Mama Ixmucane and said

¬ Look you, Mom Ixmucané, here is because the account that has the sky here the aim in this book but it will not last, so you have to copy it somewhere else where going all the time that straightens the path of time.

¬ Yeah, yeah, yeah Mama said Ixmucané ¬. In my hands the copy count and I straightened the way to the right time to walk and not walk as bolus old man.

And in the palm and dorsum of the hands of the Mother Ixmucané wrote the gods in heaven that has to straighten the path of time, so moms knowing many stripes are worn on the hands and read them and care schedule so time will walk straight and do not forget crop planting the story in memory.

quiets old Antonio and Dona Juanita repeated, looking hands, "comes the water on time."

This story was them 10 years ago, one morning in May. Today, in the early hours of May 10, we salute a group of people who were with us at this meeting and who have been with us even though they were not. I'm talking about the mothers of prisoners and political disappearances whom we, their children new, welcome this May 10. Mom Ixmucané them back to remind us of dignity and report the account to reap the morning planting history. Health

therefore knowing these mothers, these women health assure us that someone will not lose memory.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Loss Of Verginity Vedeo

Letter to my herman @ s mexican @ s

Three years of repression in San Salvador Atenco and in memory of Alexis Benhumea.

Herman @ s:
Just get pain hurts our hearts. We are products of more than 500 years control and we are children of Mother Earth and defend it is a crime. I woke up dreaming and thinking long sentence as my brothers have won San Salvador Atenco and are imprisoned in maximum security prisons like the big drug lords. What crime is so great to defend the land that feeds us? Why Felipe Álvarez, Héctor Galindo and Ignacio del Valle they imposed a sentence of 67 years? Why Ignacio del Valle recently they added another 45 years in prison? Is not it more absurd? Not the greatest offense to the dignity and human reason? That to defend land, their land, now it has won a sentence of 112 years! Does Ignatius is imprisoned in the Altiplano for not being on the Forbes list and not be of the most influential? "His crime was being a farmer who grows corn and beans, not a sower of narcotics? "His crime was not to be in the list of Time magazine? "His crime was to fight with a machete, not a rifle Herstad known as" cop killers? "His crime was to fight with a coalition and a hoe, not a Barrett 50 caliber rifle or a grenade launcher MGL?

Twelve are our prisoners, twelve calendar months are the default, these are the names of each of our sorrows: Ignacio Del Valle, 112 years in prison, Felipe Álvarez and Héctor Galindo, 67, and 9 others (Oscar Hdz. Pacheco, Alejandro Pilon, Julio Espinosa, Juan Carlos Estrada, Jorge Ordóñez, Adán Ordóñez, Narciso Arellano, Inés Rodolfo Cuellar and Eduardo Morales) have been sentenced to 31 years 11 months and 15 days in jail.

Dignity and Rebellion! It is the town of Atenco. Dignity and defiance are the peasants of Mexico. Dignity and Defiance are indigenous identity are forged and the Mexican nation.

They are all working people are noble and honest people, love life and the earth, freedom, justice and peace. While the masterminds, Felipe Calderon, along with Vicente Fox, Peña Nieto, Higinio Martinez, Nazario Gutierrez, Wilfredo Robledo, Eduardo Medina Mora, Genaro Garcia Luna, love the destruction and death, and still enjoy the sweetness of power without have no modesty or guilt are so many social activists jailed who have given much of his life in solidarity with the pure and noble causes of the people.

they who instead of fighting real drug dealers and kidnappers, living with them, taken from the same wines, have fun at the same parties, enjoy the same luxuries. And to justify their fight against crime is the weight of the law against bullies, not against the attackers, not against those who hijack and ask millions of dollars for ransom, not against the narcos cartel (because they if they answer the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth"), No, go against farmers protesting, go against the Parota ejidatarios, against San Luis Potosi glaziers, against the miners of Pasta de Conchos and Cananea, against Sicartsa workers, against the APPO assembly, against the indigenous Zapatistas, go against my brothers Atenco and against many others in the country.

Herman @ s sisters the world:

These are what govern us in Mexico, these are the guys that govern other areas of our America, these are the wounds were covered with repression and oppression every corner of our country.

Our struggle is to make ourselves heard, and screams arrogance and bad government with guns cover their ears.
Our struggle is for the hungry and poor governance lead and paper gives the stomachs of our children.
Our fight is for a roof over our heads, and bad government destroys our house and our history.
Our fight is for knowledge, and bad government distributes ignorance and contempt.

Our struggle is for land, and the bad government offers cemeteries.
Our fight is for a fair and decent work, and the bad government buys and sells bodies and shame.
Our struggle is for life, and the bad government offers death as the future.
Our fight is for respect our right to govern and to govern, and bad government imposes more the law of the few.
Our struggle is for freedom for thinking and walking, and poor governance puts prisons and tombs.
Our struggle is for justice, and the bad government is full of criminals and murderers.
Our fight is for history, and bad government proposes to oblivion.
Our struggle is for the homeland, and the bad government dreams of the flag and foreign language.
Our struggle is for peace, and bad government announces war and destruction.

The default is the true dark face and tongue. Before speaking with other tongues and other lands. In many mountains and many stories have walked the rebellion against injustice. He has already spoken Nahuatl language, Paipai, Kiliwa, Cocopah, Cochimi, Kumeyaay, Yuman, Seri Chontal Chinanteco, pame, chichimeca, Otomi, Mazahua Matlazinca, Ocuilteco, Zapotec Soltec, Chatino, papabuco, Mixtec, Cuicatec, Triqui, Amuzgo, Mazatec, pussy, izcateco, Huave Tlapanec Totonac Tepehua, Popoluca, Mixe, Zoque huasteco, Lacandon, Maya, Chol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolabal, Mame, Teco, Ixil, Aguacateco, motozintleco, chicomucelteco, Kanjobal, Jacalteco, Quiche, Cakchiquel, Ketchi, Pima Tepehuan, Tarahumara, May, Yaqui, cahíta, Opata, Cora, Huichol, Purépecha and Kickapoo. He spoke and speak the Castilian .

The default language is not a thing, a thing of dignity and being human.

Herman @ s, our struggle is for freedom and justice to our peers.

build another world, where democracy, freedom and justice a reality for us.


From The Other South

* Sources:
- 4 ª. Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle.
- Mexican newspaper La Jornada.

What Font Does Vodafone Use

companions In memory repressed in Atenco

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Can I Request That A Female Doctor

A tod @ s Children of the World

health and wellness.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

European Sharking Gif

Paradoxes of modernity and of life.

Many times we tend to fall into a fantasy world where the reality of an individual is nothing else around it, and this is what is not allowed to have a vision of life, to really understand the life out there. I remember the not-too-distant year of 1994, when the above, ie, the leaders told us the story that Mexico would enter the first world with its entry into the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and all imagined a new dawn that first January, as in a fairy tale, where everything changes through a magic wand. Oh surprise! Not so, nor when the change of the millennium, where the twenty-first century would be quite different, without hunger, without poverty, without wars, without divisions, without frustrations. Surprise! Nor has it been like in these 9 years of this new century.

Sometimes it is necessary to go far to really understand this world full of people indifferent. A very dear friend, told me recently, for example, that when he spoke of Chiapas, thought it was all bush and jungle with monkeys hanging in trees and also told me that many people think that everything is Cancun beach, not everything is Tijuana sex, tequila and marijuana, and everything is dead Chihuahua Juarez northern states all is drug trafficking.

I want to share the following paradoxes of modernity and life.

going well ... One

My herman @ s, a tod @ s:

Hi how are writing to you from the other side, from the Rio Seco, Takiukum, Chenalho, Chiapas ; the morning north, the gray fog-covered mountain with a cold that a child can not stand but support it, is their habitat, nature, world, land ... my land is not, but here we are, here I am, a need for education ... a challenge of my life, an experience ... While since I had already lived in this world ... different from my hometown, also there is no poverty, inequality, but not so here in this blessed land, is the other Chiapas, the poverty, the forgotten, but there ... live and they want their place ... because in this short time here I've seen in my children, my students ... sadness, the innocence of their looks, they also claim an education, health and shelter ... they also want to live ... excel ... be someone in this life ... not be forgotten.

has sometimes crossed my mind, give up, because I have seen the need, the suffering in the short time that I have, I call suffering because I'm not used to this life, because I have acculturated to another world, simply need to learn and excel ... but still not lose or forget my roots ... my life ... my land, I do not wish to live what I'm living, what I experience now, but I admire these people who live in these lands ... because they live their world, with the lack ... but I guess they are happy ... I do not know ...

education has improved recently ... poorly because this school has the technology of the internet ... slow but there is and here I am writing ... not because of laziness but because the nature thus allows us to ... God lives and dies on hunger ... God bless my brothers and friends always ... and my lifetimes.

PD ... I share this little recipe, this brief passage of my life ... you have to study, work tomorrow even succeed ...

With respect, affection, love and peace winds ...


Two Brothers

tod @ s:

are well yesterday I hope I disconnect my computer because it was light and I could not connect again, and I leave the community today, tomorrow I no longer work today is not my students came very ugly climate, very cold there, and had long since I had no sleep in a community, it is very sad but learn to know the reality in which we live, never crossed my mind to stay and learn here, I walked a stretch to see the village as it was raining there was so much mud and fog, you see around all white, and I wondered to myself - What am I doing here? - And I remembered when we lived in Limar, but our people is very different, because there is a Miami Beach, a New York, ja ja ja, is very lonely and sad here, really, you know oblivion here, you know the sadness, loneliness for you, but those who live here have no more than another, and here are their houses, its mountains, its nature and I realize that makes you stronger and more mature and bizarre all ...

Beware eager Ichino and check your work, here is another world and beyond ... much poverty here and there a lot of wealth (not entirely) what paradox? ... Dear God a thousand blessings and I always take care of them ...

I love you ... you too aunt.

PD ... Kamarada I love them very much looking forward too and throw him to work and live the good life ... I share this tiny passage in my life, my experience ... how There are many paradoxes in this world, naturally rich in its customs and traditions ... Take care and see you soon.


My children Chiapas

Chiapas are children of flesh and bone. Are the color of the earth and are rebellious. Lacandon Jungle is your home. Live there, that's their world, enjoy it as any child of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico City, Monterrey, Cancun, etc.. ... Although for them to Nintendo, Xbox, P2P, TV or other devices of modern technology are alien to them, their world too enviable.

They called children of modernity, the new era, of flesh and bone, known as the palm of your hand the types of trees that make up its natural habitat. Run outdoors, breathing pure oxygen ... the world is nature. His toys are branches, rocks, swimming and the pan ... and if anyone has a bike how lucky!

These are my children of Chiapas who pretend to be an army of dreamers to fight for a better world, to fight for life. They are still far away, or perhaps not get to play at being the Power Rangers or Knights of the Zodiac.

These are my children not to play at being a parent, or doctor and patient, is played here by learning to grow corn, beans and coffee. Are my children that I hope you get a different tomorrow.

Here them to play with life learning to survive, where childhood ends at 6 or 7 years.

Finally, the maestro Mario Benedetti:

When we were kids
old had about thirty
a puddle was an ocean
outright death
not exist.

Then when boys
were people older than forty
a pond was an ocean
death only
a word

Then when we got married
the elders were in the fifties
lake was an ocean
death was the death
of others.

veterans now
and gave him to reach the truth
the ocean is the ocean view
but death is becoming
ours .

continued ...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ns_binding_aborted Wicket

The "Chapo" Guzman, the Forbes magazine list

Drug trafficker Joaquin Guzman Loera, known as "Chapo Guzman head of the 'cartel of Sinaloa, fugitive criminal "maximum security" big bridge Jalisco, with the help and complicity of the federal government during the presidency of Vicente Fox Quesada, it is now located where 701 of the richest the famed magazine Forbes, with a fortune of over a billion dollars.

I wonder, I wonder: What do you mean Forbes? "Converting a criminal role model for millions of desperate, or give support to those who want to see the Marines in the" drug war "? Full story

the Newspaper La Jornada:

Wealth Joint Mexican billionaires listed in the U.S. magazine Forbes last year decreased by 41 thousand 100 million dollars. This is a news publication, reported yesterday, it was no surprise, because the fortunes, in most cases, rely on the value that companies have in stock markets. The real novelty is that in the case of Mexico, the select club was incorporated Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán Loera, head of drug trafficking cartel of Sinaloa and one of the largest suppliers of cocaine to the United States.

The world has become a wasteland of wealth, Forbes said in issue that will begin circulating this week and which updates its known list of billionaires, in which the first requirement for admission is to be held at least one billion dollars.

The three richest men in the world are the same in recent years, though they changed positions. The first site returned Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, with a fortune of 40 billion dollars, 18 billion less than at the beginning of last year. In the second place is Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, an investment fund, who in 2008 ranked first. This year appears to 37 billion dollars, 25 billion dollars less than 12 months. The number three in the list is occupied now Carlos Slim Helu, the Mexican telecommunications magnate, with 35 billion dollars. He also lost 25 billion dollars, compared with 2008.

The richest people in the world has faced a financial disaster in the last year, Forbes said in presenting the 2009 edition of the best known of their listings. In this edition include 793 people with a fortune of at least one billion dollars, a decline in membership of 30 percent from 125 thousand last year. This is the first time since 2003 that the world registered a net loss in the number of billionaires, the release added. That year, indeed, the world economy began to rise after the recession in the U.S. between late 2000 and 2002.

The collective wealth of the 793 people on the list is 2.4 trillion (million million) dollars. A lot or a little? It is a smaller amount to $ 2 billion last year and, for comparative purposes, the decrease is equivalent to twice the value of Mexico's gross domestic product, one of the 15 largest economies in the world.

Mexicans Forbes listed in fortunes hold in most cases are related to the production of income, a feature of the Mexican economy. This year the Mexican contribution to Forbes is nine people, who together have a fortune of 55 thousand 100 million dollars. In 2008 included 10 Mexicans, with a wealth of 96 billion 200 million dollars.

this year in the first place is occupied by Carlos Slim Helu, the largest shareholder of Telefonos de Mexico and also owns Telcel. His family fortune was estimated by the publication in 35 billion dollars, 25 billion less than in 2008. What is Alberto Bailleres (El Palacio de Hierro, Penoles, Grupo Nacional Provincial), with 5 000 $ 700 million, 4 thousand 100 million less than last year. The third place is Ricardo Benjamin Salinas Pliego (Tv Azteca, Banco Azteca, Elektra), with 4 200 billion, 2 000 100 million less than last year, when included in the fourth.

This year, the fourth Forbes Mexicans accounted Jerónimo Arango, former owner of the retail chain Wal-Mart holds today, with 3 thousand 400 million dollars (900 million less than last year); Larrea Mota Velasco, the miner Grupo Mexico (owner of the Pasta de Conchos mine, where dozens of miners were killed two years ago), 2 thousand $ 600 million, 4 thousand 700 million less than in 2008, Roberto Hernández Ramírez, tourism entrepreneur, former owner of Banamex and now seeks to repurchase the bank, with a thousand 200 million dollars (500 million less than in 2008).

four Mexicans still more, each with a fortune of billions of dollars, according to Forbes Joaquin Guzman, a drug trafficker, who ranks first in the list, Emilio Azcarraga Jean, the main shareholder of Televisa, the largest chain of English-language television world that last year was 700 million billion dollars, and Alfredo Harp Helu, also a former shareholder of Banamex and owner of a baseball team and a chain of sporting goods stores, which last year had $ 600 million more than in 2009.

On the 2008 list this year does not appear Lorenzo Zambrano, Cemex's main shareholder, a company that is now struggling to pay their debts. Monterrey businessman had last year, according to Forbes, a fortune of 500 million billion dollars.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nice Invitation For Death Anniversary Party

financial Vampires: 19 families have

financial Vampires: 19 families have dollars

The Bank of Mexico (Banco de Mexico) sold daily $ 100 million from next Monday to promote "orderly conditions" of foreign exchange and strengthen the peso, which has depreciated 50 percent, said Thursday the institution and the Secretary of Treasury.

"Since March 9, 2009 will start a daily sale of 100 million dollars through an auction mechanism," said a statement from the Foreign Exchange Committee and Finance BdeM to detail that this is a search " promote orderly conditions in the foreign exchange market. "

Did I read right? "To save weight?

What is the sale of currency or dollars? Or does it mean when they speak financial reserves? Why reserves are in dollars, not pesos?

Some people think that those dollars are then stored and may be used for public spending. It is a misconception, because they serve precisely to give value to money supply, ie, what we have in our pocket every day, weight. If there is no such support, the weight does not exist, its value would be negligible. So every time you give a drop to the reserves, worth less.

Speculators are those who bet the loss of weight value for the dollars to buy out every day the Bank of Mexico for sale, under the pretext of maintain the stability of the Mexican currency. The dollar reserve is the guarantee of the value of the peso. Insiders say that the blows against the weight come from China. Betting on the falling value-rich-quick.

The Bank of Mexico has an obligation to give the names of the purchase - dollars that threaten to deplete reserves and cause a major economic catastrophe in Mexico that would pay us, the vast majority of Mexicans, just over 105 million .

Consulting my dictionary of economics for ignorant, it is difficult to reach the following conclusions:

* A small group is benefited from the speculation began
* losses in international reserves

bronco in our Mexico, only a small group of 19 Mexican millionaire families benefited from the measures taken by the Calderon government to "curb crisis ", was already known inevitable if the tax authorities had set themselves to deny the impact expected.

Reports from the Bank of Mexico, the total amount of six auctions of dollars to banks and exchange houses, to curb the depreciation of the peso, in February, reached a record 835 billion million. But even so, was prevented on Monday March 2, the Mexican currency was sold in windows in almost 16 pesos and can reach 17.

authorities naively wonder who benefited from the purchase of billions of dollars. I know I'm going to say, the 19 families who own the money in Mexico.

The Faculty of Economics, UNAM, in its report this month estimated that between September last year, when the crisis escalated American, January 2009 and fled to Mexico more than 22 billion 89 million pesos , cash, financial instruments and investment of speculative capital.

in the cabinet of President Calderon, nobody knows how to stop the devaluation, or stop the capital flight that is aggravated every day. Implemented wholesaling U.S. currency as a panacea to stop the devaluation, but only managed to postpone it and affected, in large part to the treasury.

With the argument that it intended to regulate the liquidity of the foreign exchange market, only between 23 and 27 February, the Bank of Mexico auctioned $ 620 million, without accomplishing its mission and now no one accepts to know where you got that money.

The unit headed by Guillermo Ortiz, said the Tuesday that, although international reserves still account for twice the cash circulating, which still represents a guarantee for investors so far this year dropped five thousand 380 million dollars. Economists

UNAM, warned the Calderon administration to curb the need, urgently, auctions of greenbacks because failure to do so, only millionaires will empower more, main profiteers and speculators, and further impoverish especially those dispossessed.

Of the thousand 853 million dollars were auctioned last month, anyone know where you were accepted and the Government of the Republic refuses to broadcast the names of institutions or individuals to whom he gave that amount. No doubt most of the American currency was purchased by the 19 millionaire families and sent to a tax haven like the Cayman Islands.

Presenting the report of Finance, on Monday, Massmacher warned that the imminent decline in tax revenues, it is possible to use the surplus oil to meet all government commitments, but also provides a Pemex no extraordinary collection this year.

When the oil boom occurred between 2001 and 2007, several analysts recommended the Fox administration to save the millions of dollars into the country from the sale of oil, but Vicente Fox went to the frivolities of current expenditure and the voracity of their relatives, friends and colleagues.

Now that the people needs of millions of dollars to the Calderon government's use in public works, nobody knows where they were all oil surplus, estimated exceeded 800 billion dollars or what will happen if the peso continues to depreciate.

The only tangible, at this moment is the high rate of unemployment, rising poverty and hunger, and rising bad loans. The crisis is already affecting the nation, although the president speaks of a country well shielded.

List of Mexico's richest families and the economic power they possess.

1. Carlos Slim and his family with only 33 percent of the shares of America Movil (Telcel), 43 percent of the shares of Telmex, 77 percent of Grupo Carso, Inbus 71 percent, 14 percent of Ideal and 50 percent of U.S. Com. And other businesses such as Sanborn's, Sears.
2. Larrea businessman and his family with 47 percent of the shares of Grupo Mexico.
3. Servitje families, Mata, Jorba and Sendra with 78 percent of Grupo Bimbo.
4. Garza families Laguera, Calderón Ayala, Bailleres Gonzalez Garza, Suberville Michel, David Michel Richard Michel and only 37 percent of FEMSA.
5. Ricardo Salinas Pliego and family, 75 percent of Electra, 52 percent of TVAZTECA and 68 percent of Iusacell;
6. The family Laguna Martín Bringas 57 percent of Soriana and its cousins \u200b\u200bMartín Soberón than 29 percent of the shareholding of the same company.
7. Alberto Bailleres 35 percent of Penoles, 72 percent of El Palacio de Hierro, 68 percent Grupo Nacional Provincial and 72 percent of Profuturo.
8. Roberto González Barrera owns just 19 percent of the shares of Banorte and 52 percent of Grupo Maseca;
9. Families Arizpe, Fernández Barragán and 87 percent of Arca.
10. The richest woman in Mexico: Maria Asuncion Aramburuzabala owns only three percent of Televisa and ten percent of the company founded by his grandfather, Grupo Modelo.
11. Emilio Azcarraga Jean and his family owns only 15 percent of Televisa.
12. Families Garza Sada, Calderón Ayala, Garza Sepulveda Paez Garza and 45 percent of Alfa Group.
13. The Gonzalez family from 68 percent of Comercial Mexicana.
14. Robinson Bours family (including Eduardo Bours, the current governor of Sonora) owns 83 percent of Bachoco.
15. Del Valle's family Mexichem.
16. Humberto Garza Gonzalez owns 65 percent of FAMSA.
17. The Grossman 59 percent of Continental Group (the owner of the Coca-Cola in the Laguna Region).
18. Losada family 65 percent of Gigante.
19. Zambrano family, owners of CEMEX.