We, individuals and organizations, nearly three years of the terrible events in San Salvador Atenco, we express:
1. The movement in defense of the land that emerged in 2001 against the government's initiative to expropriate land to build a new airport for Mexico City, is a social movement whose causes and demands are just, legitimate and worthy of consideration and that Violence should never be the State's response to the movement of peasants and townspeople . The People's Front in Defense of Earth (FPDT) represents the movement. The state was wrong to polarize the conflict at the time and opt for an authoritarian solution to this social problem.
2. The countless human rights violations in the operation led by federal, state and municipal are an unfortunate fact that has been documented nationally and internationally recognized organizations that defend human rights. Various levels of state and even federal officials have acknowledged the seriousness of the violations and abuses committed in San Salvador Atenco. There is no doubt that such violations were committed. What was under discussion last week was whether the Supreme Court would point to those responsible for such violations. Not so.
We, consider the shape, repetition and patterns of arrests, brutality police, sexual abuse of female detainees, torture and procedural irregularities, it is clear that those who directly committed these violations were ordered to do . are the Mexican state and senior officials were in charge of operations, responsible for human rights violations committed in San Salvador Atenco . These operational policies had two intentions: to treat as criminals who are a legitimate social movement and try to disrupt and behead the organizational structure of the same movement. The State erred in failing to process a small conflict of just eight flower vendors and to polarize the conflict. The 3 and 4 May 2006, the state launched an operation planned, deliberate and calculated to promote fear and exemplary punishment through violence authoritarian social movement the People's Front in Defense of Earth and solidarity organizations that accompanied. Chapter to achieve justice for victims is incomplete. Justice is pending.
1. Following these tragic events, 13 people remain prisoners with sentences ranging up 112 years in a maximum security prison. All were sentenced to terrible unjust sentences for crimes they did not commit. They are not criminals, some are the most visible leaders of the movement in defense of land and other more simple and humble people, even some who had never participated in any social movement. The way we were stopped, the abuses and violations of human rights to which were submitted, irregularities in their trials and convictions are seeing again who are imprisoned without a proper legal foundation and legal.
These 13 people are political prisoners. And the ways of justice can not continue while the human rights violations continue. These violations continue while they are incarcerated. It is urgent to nationally and internationally to demand the release of 13 prisoners and therefore we met many actors and actresses, musicians, journalists, writers, painters, academics, religious rights advocates, civil organizations, solidarity, family members of detainees, lawyers and even the People's Front in Defense of Earth to accomplish the following :
call on the national and international civil society, women and men of all ages, of all entities in the country, from all continents of the world which are in the field or in the city, of all professions, arts and crafts of all sexual orientations and preferences, to all people families, groups, organizations, networks and indigenous movements, unions, farmers, city folk, women's, environmental, human rights, student and religious fighting for freedom and justice to participate in national and international campaign for FREEDOM and JUSTICE ATENCO. Which begins on February 17 and its first phase will end the days 3,4 and 5 May of this year, with the intention of adding the voices that ask:
FREEDOM of the 13 political prisoners
The reversal of the judgments
Full respect for human rights of detained and persecuted
Punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds of repression and human rights violations
condemn and stop the criminalization of social movements in Mexico.
Committee for Freedom and Justice for Atenco
participants: Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia emeritus of the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas, actress Ofelia Medina, musician Manu Chao , Julieta Egurrola actress writer Carlos Montemayor, Ana Francis Mor , actress, Raul Vera Bishop of the Diocese of Saltillo, Coahuila, painter Francisco Toledo, actor Diego Luna, Roco vocalist of the rock band Maldita Vecindad and children of the Fifth Patio, Adolfo Gilly academic Luis Villoro philosopher actor Bruno Bichir, Paco Ignacio Taibo II writer, journalist, Daniel Gimenez Cacho actor, Miguel Angel Granados Chapa journalist, actor Demian Bichir, Fray Miguel Concha Malo Dominican friar, director of Human Rights Center Fray Francisco de Vitoria, Luis Hernandez Navarro journalist singer Ruben Albarran rock band Café Tacuba, Jorge Zarate actor, Los de Abajo ska and rock band. Gabriel Ramirez , Tramp, Zapatista and a dreamer, from the other South.
Participating Agencies:
Human Rights Centre Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez,
Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS)
Cerezo Committee, Committee
Monsignor Romero,
Collective lawyers Zapatistas (CAZ),
Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue and Equity AC,
People's Front in Defense of the Land (FPDT)
Women without fear,
Legal and Judicial Studies,
Services and Consulting for Peace (SERAPAZ)
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