Just unpacked under these skies that cover the land, heard a radio spot that ended, fewer words words: "... I am proud and dignified cancunense Quintana Roo" and now as cancunense and Quintana Roo I want to share what is an open secret in the corridors of power.
While 98% of Quintana Roo earn very low wages level just enough to eat and survive day to day, public officials and political elites who control power in Quintana Roo laugh at the crisis we are facing today. Here are some examples:
Governor Felix Gonzalez Canto, receives a monthly net salary of $ 146, 231. 37 pesos, ie, 4, 874 pesos a day. Next come the cabinet secretaries and special advisers who have a net monthly collection of 47, 753.01 pesos, plus per diem of $ 1, 300 pesos a day on Mexican soil and abroad paid in dollars. It is not uncommon for private secretaries viatiquen month to 15 days to take a more Lanit.
Then we have the secretaries to $ 37, 253 pesos a month, with a productivity bonus of just over 50 thousand bucks a month. A general directors of state departments carried the bag 27, 207 pesos and 13 department heads, 885 pesos.
The secretary of education takes the bag 47, 753.01 pesos a month, plus 84, 302. 25 pesos as director of Educational Services of Quintana Roo, which makes a total of more than 130 thousand pesos per month, while a full professor earns a little over 8 thousand dollars a month less benefits, discounts, etc..
Also for example, Cecilia Lori Marino, CEO of Quintana Roo Institute of women each month pockets 46, 149.30 pesos, while doing nothing for women of Quintana Roo. As a working woman or household cleaning receive salaries ranging from 600 to a thousand dollars a week.
Fleet O Pedro Alcocer, president of CAPA, a monthly salary of 56, 674.00 pesos, compared to the salary of a worker employed by Aguak, with a salary of $ 5, 010. 33 pesos per month, less discounts and allowances.
These are some, figuring out if we find wages not less than 20 thousand pesos monthly offend reason and human dignity, comparing the wages of those who have built the basis of what is now the State of Quintana Roo.
These wages were those who claimed last year for 2009 to increase approximately 10 to 12 percent, do they achieve?
While most of the population, working from sunrise until it is hidden with miserable wages and inhuman conditions, without protection of the Federal Labour Act, no benefits, but with the pattern of harassment and humiliation.
As my grandfather would say, these wages have no mother.
No doubt another world must be built. Now we can see the horizon ...
Vale. Health, Mom Corral, his footsteps walk in our footsteps ...
From The Other South
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