If ever it happens that drivers are going to paradise, I'm more than sure that their caravans arrive there winged American Interstate route number one hundred and first We traveled in total that leading to the Olympia Washington state to Los Angeles, California, more beautiful sister of the famous sixty-six, more than 1,500 miles. And yet it was not even half the distance within which the middle two weeks of January overcame roads and wilderness the old Wild West.
U.S. Route 101, because of her speech, was founded in 1926, and in many places coincides with the former route of El Camino Real , used to be with each other makes of spanish missions, forts and towns scattered throughout the west coast. Later, during jankeskich, for many years, the same one hundred was the number one most important transport Route north-south, whom the One way wozono timber, salmon, crabs and other marine delicacies, and in the second, the buds huge trucks, mknely fresh California fruits and vegetables. The time of its splendor ended with the opening in 1964 years expressway Interstate 5 Seattle spanning from San Diego, which had taken for himself almost the entire ground movement, and particularly the wielkokolowy.
Exactly at the same time, the first diaper brudzil in Chicago, Eddie Vedder, who in spite of that has just opened his eyes, I've already enjoyed in the spirit of that in the future, on the road Surfing in Mission Beach will not have to fight for survival with the big trucks, and just the opposite - his only concern will be water color and height of waves in the ocean ...
Our trip, like Vedder, and the whole grunge, moreover, was polite and a little bit crazy, a little feisty but still szarmancka. I like grunge, started and ended in Seattle - the city so beautiful, that until almost painted.
If we are already at the painting, one must admit that in the strictly tourist activity we started our vacation with a high C. And even P. Thus it has made a fact, that when my ways and Maddalena intertwined in the capital SLEEPLESSNESS , Local art museum exhibited the works already ... Pablo Picasso himself.
So, before we moved to our dream south, allowed ourselves to Cubist modest retreat, and although not find, or my favorite "Lord of the Portfolio 'or the famous' Guernica', we left both of the Seattle Art Museum with broad smiles on their faces. A little because in general we were happy being together again, because of some misunderstanding, which resulted in we had to pay for admission, and even a little, because it amused us a little bit disturbing pig, as might be encountered on the way to the Lord of Avignon.
later it was less culturally, but it was only better. Like the heroes 'On the Road' Kerouac'a, got the way, and nothing else present (and ourselves) we did not care ... And here
tour participants:
Magda A and Ford F:
before meeting with hippisami: ; ;

Although it took us a moment before we turned from kilometers to miles, from meters to feet , and liters to gallons, and although a little bit of distance at the beginning of August we were long, soon we entered into a new reality, przystalismy the terms, and probably even a little with her liked ... And when the Portland we pulled from the highway and we caught a mole, a forest path towards the ocean, sympathy slowly began to escalate in love. We were the only ones, expensive, and aware that at any moment, will open before us completely unknown, the untamed and mysterious world. World long, wide beaches, whales, crabs, sea lions, and who knows what else.
For our first objective, we arrived in Newport from 1923, and although we had behind us osiem hours of driving (with a break for Mexican tacos), we could not refuse a duel to the rumbling of the night with Brother United Water. Especially with our room away from its sandy atrial only 180 steps.
Pacific in January is amazing! It's like the Indian shaman demonstrates its pobratyncom swa great power, but not eager to do them harm. In its undulating dancing comes closer to you and away singing rhythmically, and urging surrender to the magic moment. And you, when you look at it as and hear the wind a song, you would like to forget about the border land and water, and throw himself into the abyss, leaving behind everything and everyone. Fortunately, the charm of the shaman does not work on love, so we instead into an abyss, we preferred to throw themselves into each others arms and politely to climb back on our 180 steps straight into the soil niewygrzanego bed yet.
11 hours, running two miles barefoot on the beach and the first manual laundry later, we decided to check whether in the ocean off Newport is something else. We have found some lovely bungalows situated over the cliff, which are various trace of splendor during the tourist town, and wonderful, microscopic cafe serving probably the best breakfast in all over Oregon. We were surprised by the contract, even a few Americans who sat at the table next, and who looked on such as mayonnaise drink instead of water, and breakfast rather not eat for dinner. Together with Magda gone through: scrambled eggs, French toast Fure, muesli, porridge, pankejki, salad and specialty fruit - organic sweet buns with jam. All: probably from local sources and to licking your fingers! And so, with full bellies and Neil Young in the player we could go further to meet the Californian sun.
Moments earlier, when wymeldowywalismy August from Hallmark, I asked the receptionist how long it takes for us to get to the redwood forests just behind the border with Schwarzenegger Land. According to the hints we should get there some reason within 7 hours. Gather the facts but not in August - advised us - a hundred is not going to number one in August, one hundred and contemplates the number one in August. Then we let the eye and came back to his paperwork issues.
Well, I must admit that he was right. Oregon coast enchants and hypnotizes. To the extent that you would like to remember every second, which you spend there, save in memory Mijan every rock, every mileage corner. You want to capture the moment of passing by, and already it was never released. And the last thing that comes to your head hit the pedal to the metal and leave the whole beauty behind him. As a result, driving by oregonskim section of U.S. 101, you have the feeling that everything happens in slow motion - the waves break against the shore in slow motion rhythm of the ocean as if he was not one big element, and the solution of ordinary thimbles valerian, while oncoming driver car instead of observe what is going on before them, staring lazily on a rock splashing foamy water plume. And only once in a while casually zerkaja on the road, and after a while again immerse myself in admiring the majestic spectacle endless waves of the Pacific.
Due to the fact that again and again we stopped, lest wtrzachnac some cake, coffee, or that you just have a moment to stare into the distance, high cliffs, we passed the borders of California, when I was already completely dark. Consequently, our first in my life redwoods failed to appear for us in all its glory and admired their monstrous mainly stems, headlights illuminated focusowymi. But already the next morning, after spending the night in a roadside motel in a town called meaningful Fortuna smiled on us luck, and sent to us prior to mask a signpost on the 'Avenue of the Giants'. This sounded strange marvel turned out to be ... a real avenue sekwojowa event. Redwoody, because as these trees reaching up to heaven, Americans say, this time in August, could not hide from us the veil of night, and were so nice that there appeared to us from the best - the green - a party. Long as the lawirowalismy the branches of their caring, but after about ten miles, we decided that we could just drive all eternity and will never have enough, so I said goodbye to just byczymi cousins \u200b\u200bmet our pines and came back to the old course.
Although the term 'old course' not quite fit here, because literally moments later turned out that the first time we reflect on our, already favorite, one hundred one. That way if I described as 'paradise', it really does not know the words, in order to pay what impressed upon us that for which we had just to enter - California Highway 1 Certainly there are many places in the world, where the rocky mountains that fall into the ocean directly, and all that mess is still a place for a little bit of asphalt, after which you can merrily prance motorists tourists. However, in this case, the views, even though pretty, were not the most important. The most wonderful was that driving by the number one, in contrast to many other coastal trails and nadoceanicznych, you have the feeling that if she did not have it end. Going away in the morning, when the sun is still hidden behind the peaks of the mountains, you go all day and evening, when the color of the ocean, for the same thing the sun changes with the blue in a blood-red, in front of you still remain hundreds of This incredibly romantic mile crossing. Yes, the number one senses a real orgy. Going by her I'm free. Free and strong.
end of part one.
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