watched yesterday recording of the concert / show in 1995. In the hall were spent her entire life, Peter Skrzynecki could not make it accessible. Witty dialogue, humor, poetry, just like that, for all the daily dose as a multi-grain cereals.
And until a wonder that I remember those times, clear and sharp. It probably can attest to .. old age:)
passed 16 years. The crowd before the receivers of various stripes kidnaps dancing with stars and white dwarfs. Greedily we look at celebrities in skirts ztuningowanym strong welterweight class, but not as we know from today Second, there is no freshness.
greedy and thumbs squeeze the pilot in the hope that TV will snatch Shol though the piece of your table. Maybe, if properly illuminate the headlights of my shapely calf ... ... eventually become a model or even a sexy mom?
I have no poetry ...
temporality is just as speckled glitter for a disguise. After all this nonsense, ordinary kid.
I'm paranoid suspicion that television deliberately PROLETYZUJE culture to do it in addition to any pink thong pogodynki.
bit of me it looks like a drug - soma from Orwell, and it gets a little awful .. Poetry
replaced voyeurism.
And how can you be surprised in such a situation, that one you'd like to VOYEURYSTA deputy looked like a "TO" Women are doing together.
And as a punishment - a ruler on the wrist and 30 push-ups as "bluff" a sense of humor - as he put it, Minister Infinite Stupidity.
And I wonder, however ....
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