all welcome after a long absence;)
After a week in the mountains and eating only instant we went to El Calafate in Argentina and wszamalismy caluskiego chicken breast on the grill. In addition to stores with food, a warm shower and the civilization generally El Calafate has to offer third-largest in South Am Perito Moreno glacier. You have to admit, doing skubaniec electrifying impression. This attraction is designed at 100% for backpackers, comes is a bench for some 200 meters before the brow of the glacier which reaches a height of 60 m. We were sitting there, except for 5 hours watching a performance odpadajacych large surface patches of ice, which fell into the water with a huge bang. In El Calafate
popular culture is the indigenous Indians of the area and the entire Earth del Fuego Patagonia long before the arrival of those areas Europeans. Buisnes przkry interesting however is the fact, and pioneers in the nineteenth century with the help of the army broke Argrntynskiego whole population in the trunk of an Aborigine, and occupied their lands creating large-estancje. So for Argentinian Histria pierwotbych residents and tradition is truly interesting, however, well, the longer they are gone because I have no trouble with them.
After charging the battery (ie, with full bellies) and found that the time for the continuation of our way to the north, to the heat and so we met our Chilean family. Standing on the foot on the national road No. 40 (Ruta 40), who does not drive anything but ubiquitous in South Am "Expedition", we caught a rate impossible. Namely, August Stood family from Chile (my mother Janet, father Erwin and his son Niko) packed to the roof + rack on the roof and decided to pick us up;) My backpack somehow upchnelismy in the car, but Seba tied landed on the roof and started to mutual journey to the north (we spent some time the next 6 days a mutual journey we finished driving by in their jeep in the carriage!). Episode Ruta 40, which we had to overcome all of a sudden had a 600 km, but with some 500 on the gravel (which our family did not expect, because I do not have maps to each other, or many things as it turned out). Auto was quite worn and some do not close their doors to the end and gave the windows also do not be shut, so all five of the whole tour was evenly covered with dust (By the way - nicely captures dust hairstyle, p). We passed along the borders between Argentina and Chile and continued our mutual journey through the famous Carretera Austral. This is a rather peculiar route, mainly on the gravel, which leads through the mountain astray southern Chile. Landscapes are beautiful, raw and majestic, and the fact that we had means of transport in this remote area made us feel for a few days in full comfort. Well, but that there was a pink, a friend of our family turned out to be lovely-fugitive-specific (do not know how to function in everyday life generally.) But the sum sumarum we had with them, great fun and we learned a lot of interesting sales in the country and in general about life here. Unforgettable impressed by our conversation with Senior Christian Vidal arati - a man who came into these distant regions as a pioneer of 6o years ago. Zabawilismy with him all night listening to the story as it was once - about the hardships of pioneer life on the construction of roads in the 80 'by Pinochet and many other strange things (we learned so much that you can write a book that was:)). About pranku porzegnani zostalismi traditional ceremony of drinking mate (local tea), which has more rules than savoir-vivre. So we took a
deal with our Chilean family and unless the person was nice, doputy wechikol not broke. Unfortunately, failure turned out to be so serious that we had to part. He was weeping and gnashing of teeth because a little zzylismy, well, and after that starcilismy means of transport:)) Follow the road to civilization, turned out to be a good swamp. We drove slowly across paredziesiat miles a day, and at the end it turned out we do not have to get out of the end of the road. This meant that utknelismi in the "city" Chaiten - the ferry was only a week, weather was not good (lalo for 3 days) no, and we were forced to evacuate the plane:))) It was not cheap, but what fun to run away with the total zapupia CIVILIZATION. A small airplane flew between the mountains - a great flight:)) But even before the flight walked around in the pouring rain after the town of Chaiten. They can be called a Pompeii of our time. In 2008, the volcano of the same name as the village broke, thrown into the air and the material covered the city of 5-8 m layer of dust and everything else what comes out of the volcano (I will not go into the geographical details:)). Generally, I view the movie as a disaster. Currently live in the city five thousand. residents and waiting already 2 years and 9 months for connecting electricity and water. The carnage! The fact We have taken a plane and forced us to przyoszczedzenia at night - we went the whole hog and zasqotowalismy opuszconych one of the buildings in the city center. After the successful evacuation
anchored in Puerto Montt and delighted to celebrate the end of postanwilismy savagery and went to No and we evacuated and happy we decided to celebrate the end of wilderness and went the przcudowna przcudowna dinner with local wine and freshly prepared seafood.
If this glacier transported to Africa ....... |
As this does not happen?? Chileans kindness knows no bounds :)))) |
Carretera Austral |
Parasol, who can eat |
Chaiten - Pompeii of our time |
Evacuation !!!!! |
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