Dear reader, I wrote not too long, I'm so ashamed and a little catching up.
again in March and we hope that the Siberian snow and weather did not return.
paltociki lighter dress, hats hiding in the depths of the chests, it's easier to breathe! All dolls wdziewają
heels ... and hop - passed another eighth of March!
This year I received from the Head of chocolate praline, and a diminutive of my name in a pretty crappy patriarchal tone. Praline had red, glossy paper, which behaved:) Spring blossomed as every year, many pregnant women-workers.
As every year, also from younger colleagues, I learned that my time on the child is at least the highest ...., a belief that perhaps I am barren, filthy and probably niemacierzyńska slightly delayed in social development hangs in the air heheh!
Stuk Stuk - sharpened my artificial nails for office equipment. I already have a weapon.
I have yet to fire the stapler and a whole box of pins murderous!
The so-called social peace ladies talked about buying a hamster for your child and about the benefits of washing hair in the morning before coming to work ...
But nothing is - all the dolls wear heels, wear heels on these brzuszeczki ... to 9 months in the job, that nobody thought that it may be replaced anyway. And then they send a photograph with information about the baby's weight and Apgar score points in that photo appeared in the newsletter for employees.
"A picture is normally Basiunia mama!" Look, what is the mesh! Mom gave birth to her 58 hours and a month already back to work! And the cell and the mom will mail all the time available. Because in the end is a serious woman ........................... and remembers that " women in corporations are always young, neat and wrinkle-free. They are both 30 years old, of which 15 experience in managerial positions. In the social mind of a woman wampy, femme fatale, all lie at their feet and beg for mercy .
On 30th birthday of a woman in a corporation announces that it is shedding jobs or other lies, and in its place adopt a young girl. "
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