Sunday, January 23, 2011

Alpe Di Rocca Corneta Wikipedia

Road to the south, or how to stop the drivin '

beginnings were not easy ... as happens with the ride on foot. You have to switch the mode of "Road", which is a convenient option of waiving the bus everyday przysznica and Beds. On the first ride we were waiting about 2 hours and already we thought that this option simply does not work in this country, but managed to August Stood big family and we took a jeep. The farther to the south, this was easier to stop. Along the way we passed entire swathes of anything, or Pampo Argentine welcome to:) At first was covered with low bushes, next to the South with tufts of grass were, and continue only on the moss and so the distant horizon. Along the way we visited Punta Tombo, which is beach where he lived some 1.5 million Magellanic penguins. We had a luck to see young pingwiniatka, sat alone in the "nests" and we Darly for something to eat. In this area zobaczyslismy our first guanaco and indeed of the whole flock of these smiechowych, great lamo-sarnopodobnych creatures. Trez Widzelismy armadillos, vultures (which were so lazy that sat by the roadside and waited on the auto deduct what pet), Zorro (the Patagonian foxes) were also closer to the unidentified psiekroliki and sheep on long legs. Next stop was just stop wszechczsow. Wechikol stopped so special with whom we took for about 6.5 hours only 180 km! On the way we were always last, but our driver was very friendly and did to him not hurry, because he found even with an hour of travel in order to stay and drink with us Jerba (herbatopodobny haraktarze drink a social, everyone and everywhere there Jerba drink mate). Recent We traveled 1500 km in 24 hours 2 feet, and behold, we found Tierra del Fuego to the so-called end of the world.

driving by even a scrap of anything is a highlight:)
like plain --- but camping in the Rio Colorado:)

nobody told it would be easy

already almost at the end of the world

Hen we add the pictures of penguins and other rodents, but we drive trza zwirusil and figure out something.


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